Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 17 13:52:20 EDT 2008 | jdumont
....but try to tell that to an ISO/AS9100/Mil/Avionics type customer... LOL
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 18 14:00:35 EDT 2002 | Romain
Is anyone has experience on problems with press-fit on Ni/Au board finish. Connectors pins are SnPb finished. I am particulary interested by experiences or documentation in very agressive environmental conditions (avionics or space buisness) Thanks r
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 18 10:19:25 EDT 2003 | caldon
Quantass- Thanks for the 40,000 ft overview. One small item you left out $$$$$$$ A comapny that does High end Displays for the Avionics industry is www.innovative-ss.com cal
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 24 13:41:41 EDT 2007 | jdumont
We just measure the coupon before and after. We are always btw .002" - .003" acrylic. No auditor will say a word if you are doing this much control. Unless its NASA I suppose..... we've never had a problem with any of the avionics guys doing this tho
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 27 07:56:04 EDT 2014 | rrosera
My company is researching the use of re-workable underfill for use on our avionics boards. We are currently testing Hysol UF3810. The Rework machine we use has a vacuum based removal system witch isn't strong enough to overcome the underfill. We have
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 12:10:29 EST 2000 | Dave F
Hany: I have never understood why the add-on boards in PCs have gold plating on their connectors. In the military and in avionics, they require gold on connectors to protect from wear and corrosion. But PCs ave very different. PCs: * Are obsolet
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 06 17:13:17 EDT 2006 | Board House
PB-free Hasl was not mentioned due to the following: 1)Equipment Convertion at the PCB Manufacturing side is expensive. 2)You are subjecting the PCB to Higher Temps than Std. solder. 3)Most PCB Houses are not going to invest in Two Hot Air level
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 05 07:25:47 EDT 1998 | Dave Batten
| At the next meeting of the IPC Repair committee this coming October, we will be reviewing several jumper wire procedures. Included with these procedures are 37 detailed illustrations covering preferred, acceptable and not recommended wire terminat
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 00:43:05 EDT 1998 | P.L. Sorenson - Technical Consultant
| Who knows something about the reliability of plasti PEMS and its enhancemant by application of conformal coating (Parylene, metal, SiO2, SiNxOx, etc.) ? My personal experience using PEM for military avionics applications has been very positive. H
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 22 15:48:35 EDT 1998 | David Pinsky
| | Who knows something about the reliability of plasti PEMS and its enhancemant by application of conformal coating (Parylene, metal, SiO2, SiNxOx, etc.) ? | My personal experience using PEM for military avionics | applications has been very positi