Electronics Forum: avoid (Page 1 of 87)

How to avoid tombstoning in 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 22 07:21:14 EDT 2005 | Mark

Try using Cobar`s anti-tombstone alloy.

One Used Equipment broker to avoid

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 11 11:17:43 EST 2016 | gregp

guess what...still haven't heard from Tach Shebby at Fastex.

One Used Equipment broker to avoid

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 12 02:56:01 EST 2016 | sophyluo1985

oh, sorry to hear that. Be careful next time when you choose the supplier.

Minimum lead pitch to avoid bridging

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 08:11:45 EDT 2007 | naynayno

This is wave soldering process and design question since most folks associated with SMT are processing mixed assemblies. We have a 3-leaded sensor (radial) with such a tight pitch always bridges. Solutions unders disussion are pre-forming and addin

How to avoid tombstoning in 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 05 15:21:46 EDT 2005 | russ

So your thermal cycling test is putting these solder joints into reflow (183C + if they are lead joints)? Must be quite the test! Tell us what pad sizing and spacing you are currently using.

Minimum lead pitch to avoid bridging

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 06 15:45:50 EDT 2007 | hussman

I have to agree with the fat green guy. And with Real Chunks too. You should also run a matte mask on your board. This will help in preventing shorts.

Minimum lead pitch to avoid bridging

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 10:41:37 EDT 2007 | realchunks

Hi BR, Are you screen printing adhesive to the bottom of the board? If so, have your stencil make put openings between the leads of the thru-hole part. SMT adhesive acts as a natural solder resist. So placing a small sliver between the pads works

Minimum lead pitch to avoid bridging

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 06 11:00:50 EDT 2007 | shrek

Krikies my friend. A good wave ogre will be able to look at a wave and tweak in a way to minimize contact length (by slowing the conveyor speed), thus improving peelback, and lower it to the bare minimum without disrupting it's backward and forward

How to avoid tombstoning in 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 05 13:54:35 EDT 2005 | Sandeep

We are facing lot of problems with tombstoning in 0201 components. Ironically tomstoning in these components is not occuring while reflow but it is happening when we subject them to thermal cycling test. We have been investigating the cause and thoug

Minimum lead pitch to avoid bridging

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 19:37:15 EDT 2007 | davef

We assume the three leads are lined-up perpendicular to the wave. Without taking corrective action, we know this: * 50 thou pitch will bridge * DIP do not bridge As a corrective action that doesn't invovle a respin of the board, decrease the solderm

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