Electronics Forum: ax parts (Page 1 of 2)

I mounted the parts on the buck-boost DCDC converter and measured the characteristics

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 23 03:29:37 EDT 2022 | samhe

I received a buck-boost DCDC board with an optical sensor from NextPCB, so I mounted the components and measured the efficiency. Table of contents Board received from NextPCB Solder paste printing Mounting of parts Reflow operation check Attaching

Unversal Advantis platform

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 20 16:16:07 EST 2021 | ttheis

The plan for this machine is shooting thousands of mid power LED chips onto panels with one or two connector parts. From what I have seen watching video footage of the ac-30 vs ax-72, the ac-30 will be much faster for this chip shooting application.


Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 29 13:17:24 EST 2008 | exman

ASSEMBLEON AX-5 ax-5 having problem with pickup problem when the head placement try to pickup the component on the feeder the toolbit will fall off eventdo teach the part center very good but when they pickup it off about one inch happent on ly robot


Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 28 13:00:56 EDT 2008 | exman

ax-5 having problem with pickup problem when the head placement try to pickup the component on the feeder the toolbit will fall off eventdo teach the part center very good but when they pickup it off about one inch happent on ly robot #1 the rest of

Universal Genesis Inline7

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 19 02:30:09 EST 2018 | robl

OK, so all GEM Machines & MG were built by Yamaha, and imported in to Europe & USA and other places by Philips. After a while Philips developed it's own machine - the FCM. Philips then sold off it's SMT division and it was rebranded Assembleon.

Ax201 Assembleon

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 17 15:50:24 EDT 2024 | spoiltforchoice

I don't have this machine, however the ability to stitch together multiple images might be a software option unlocked with more $$ (it is on other platforms). It is also I believe only possible on the machines fitted with HA (High Accuracy) head that

i have to buy one NXT from Fuji What do you think???

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 16 03:39:00 EST 2004 | Base

Hi Rob, I can understand why you'r so passionate about your beloved Fuji's and judging by what I'm reading you have every reason to be. But also know this, (Fastek already pointed it out, but I'd like to emphasize it): a company's reputation, be it

High output line advice

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 20 04:21:30 EST 2007 | Base

According to my assumptions you're looking for a 40kCph line. (300 days of 8hrs at 75% efficiency) What's the parts mix? I would say (and these are my favourites) Assembl�on AX-5 with 10 wide robots. This will give you 50k output with the ability to

Best Fluid For P&P Nozzle Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 08:10:54 EST 2017 | smtpatrick

I have a number of nozzles for an Assembléon AX-201 that have been allowed to become clogged with old, dried-out solder paste. I am thinking of using an ultrasonic tank in an attempt to clean them for re-use, but I am concerned that isopropyl alcoho

SMT equipment

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 22 11:55:26 EDT 2008 | wrongway

you might want to check out panasonic they can handle a lot of feeders on one machine and are fast We have universal advantis machines have had them for a year have'nt had any problems yet. have not had universal calibrate them yet still placing par

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