Electronics Forum: axial inserter amistar (Page 1 of 9)

Universal 6241A axial inserter/60 station Fsale

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 22:26:53 EST 1998 | Larry

I have a Universal 6241A axial lead sequencer. 60 station rotary head. 8222 Controler Insertion rates up to 8,000 components per hour. Asking $80,000 E-mail for more info. larrys@adepttech.com

Re: Universal 6241A axial inserter/60 station Fsale

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 00:14:21 EST 1998 | Larry

I made a mistake on the price. It's only $55,000. Priced for a quick sale, we need the floor space. | I have a Universal 6241A axial lead sequencer. | 60 station rotary head. | 8222 Controler | Insertion rates up to 8,000 components per hour. | Askin

Axial component shooting machine

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 08 07:12:07 EDT 2005 | pci

yes there are. main mfrs of axial inserters are panasonic,samsung,tdk,universal.... in some of the cases u need to have a axial sequencer too, which are used to sequence the axial componnets prior to the insertion.

Automated through hole insertion

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 23 18:58:20 EDT 2020 | stephendo

Insertion isn't enough. You also need cut and clinch for axial, radial, and dip components.

FS Amistar CI-1000

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 26 23:53:24 EST 1998 | Martin Plourde

I have an Amistar CI-1000 DIP inserter for sale. It's crated and ready to go. Price: $4800 Selectron Inc. Martin Plourde (514) 326-5261

FS Amistar CI-750

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 26 23:51:08 EST 1998 | Martin Plourde

I have an Amistar CI-750 semi automatic DIP inserter for sale. It's crated and ready to go. Price $1000 Selectron Inc. Martin Plourde (514) 326-5261

Amistar, CI-750 for sale with computer and manual

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 14 17:20:59 EST 1998 | Dan

Amistar CI-750, semi automatic dip inserter for sale with computer (computer interface option) and manuals. Reconditioned $10,000.00 or best offer.

DIP insertion and Axial insertion old equipment poka yoke

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 31 10:54:32 EST 2020 | rvines1

One concern with DIP insertion is making sure the operator inserts the correct tube into the correct feeder. Has anyone ever tried pick-to-light or anything similar?

Axial Inserter replacement/alternative

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 19 20:26:50 EST 2024 | mistrthou

Its looking like we'll be moving away from our axial auto inserter for the time being and to manual insertions. Then we'll look for a semi-auto or hand assist unit. Something like either the Robotas or CS-400 if we can find a decent used one. Looks

Re: DIP Insertion

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 02 13:27:17 EST 1998 | smd

| | I am looking for suppliers of through-hole DIP insertion. It's been a long while since I've looked for through-hole equipment and am not aware of who manufactures DIP insertion equipment. If you know of some suppliers, I would appreciate some i

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