Electronics Forum: baby monitor (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Your web site .........and the gift that just keeps giving..LOL

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 13 01:48:16 EST 1998 | Jeff Sanchez

| While trying to access this web site you sent over 10 "cookies" A bit overdone, isn't it? | Ed, lighten up, it's the holidays! Pack up the cookies and hand them out to your friends and loved ones.Eat all you can cause around here there are plent

Re: Your web site

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 14 14:16:52 EST 1998 | Clifford Peaslee @ SMTnet

| | While trying to access this web site you sent over 10 "cookies" A bit overdone, isn't it? | | | Ed, | lighten up, it's the holidays! Pack up the cookies and hand them out to your friends and loved ones.Eat all you can cause around here there a


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