Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 20 08:44:05 EST 2004 | davef
Lucky guess, eh? [Sorry to blow your theory on bad parts] A 1000 of these boards on the line, ummm. Two ideas to consider: * Increase the conveyor angle [don't get carried away, just keep the angle below 8*]. * Balance the flow of solder so that th
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 03 06:52:45 EST 2004 | paul_bmc
About 2 years ago our company tried to go with a post reflow AOI inspection. This AOI was suppose to be able to inspect to a level class 3 product. **It is impossible** You cannot inspect for a heel fillet and inspecting for poor wetting is a very
Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 18 10:13:59 EST 2004 | davef
Materials added to solder can change its appearance. For instance: * Gold in tin/lead solder is dull / grainy * Palladium in tin/lead solder is dull / grainy We do NOT advocate using visual appearance to define the appearance of a good and a bad so
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 04 20:06:24 EDT 2004 | C.W
Customer returned a brd claim that one of the FPGA is having "cold solder joint". I inspected the the BGA location with X-ray and Ersascope, balls' shape look fine, voids are not detected, perimeter joints show shinny and smooth appearance, i have se
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 14:54:38 EST 2004 | cyber_wolf
How did you come to the conclusion that you are having a cold joint problem. Just by appearance ? As Dave stated if you have any of the metals that he listed in the joints they will appear to be dull and grainy sometimes. But... Dave, I will have t
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 10:30:46 EDT 2000 | Jeremy Smith
I am having a problem with some joints on a 100 pin pqfp and few different soics on one particular board. When viewed a 8x with a "Mantis" inspection scope the joints look as though they wetted to the ic leg but when probed the leg will pop loose.
Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 24 11:16:12 EST 2019 | proy
Guys, I have been down this road also spent a lot of time working on this. Electrolytics often are difficult to solder like this. For the sake of testing, try a water soluble more active flux as an initial test. IF you compare hand solder wetting the
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 13:09:08 EDT 1999 | Doug
I am building a board with T1/34 LED's in a 10X10 array there are 12 arrays in a panel. The LED's are body to body in the array, .1 spaced. The LEDS have been autoinserted on a Universal RAD III, so they are cut and clinched. The trouble I am having
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 30 16:14:58 EDT 1999 | Dave F
| I am building a board with T1/34 LED's in a 10X10 array there are 12 arrays in a panel. The LED's are body to body in the array, .1 spaced. The LEDS have been autoinserted on a Universal RAD III, so they are cut and clinched. The trouble I am havin