Electronics Forum: baking vertical (Page 1 of 1)

Solder beading with PCB from different fab

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 06 04:18:03 EDT 2011 | emmanueldavid

TK, Hope you got it right only for this round of assemblies. Well, passing through a Reflow belt is not an ultimate process to dry circuit cards & take out moisture from Solder finished layers. First of all, if the packs were not unsealed (even s

Re: Oven vs. Dryer

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 07 12:33:03 EST 1998 | Jeff Sanchez

| There are significant differences in a properly designed dryer vs. an Oven. Ovens mearly bake the moisture from assemblies. The high humidity of a drying environment was not considered when most reflow ovens were designed. Dryers are designed wit

Oven vs. Dryer

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 06 13:18:12 EST 1998 | S. Evers

There are significant differences in a properly designed dryer vs. an Oven. Ovens mearly bake the moisture from assemblies. The high humidity of a drying environment was not considered when most reflow ovens were designed. Dryers are designed with


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