Electronics Forum: bar solder in wave solder machines (Page 1 of 170)

Re: Electrum bar solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 26 08:15:13 EDT 1999 | Brian

| | Has anyone used bar solder from a company called "Electrum Inc." | | What kind of results did you have? | | | | | Hammer: Try: | | Electrum Recovery Works 827 Martin St Rahway, NJ 07065 908-396-1616 800-622-1192 Canada 800-535-1192 Fax: 908-3

Conveyors and bar code

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 23 14:59:32 EDT 2006 | bill

I�ve been lurking on the forum for a while so I will take a stab at this, mainly because there is no answer I take it that you have a variety of boards being produced at the same time and are in fixtures so the conveyors don�t need to be adjusted, a

Spartan wave solder machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 14:49:54 EST 2014 | joe98375

Greetings, I am looking into buying a wave solder machine for medium production of 100% through hole boards (~8.5"X12" dimension, not many layers, no high density part areas,

Spartan wave solder machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 17:58:55 EST 2014 | joe98375

here it is: http://www.pcbunlimited.com/ben-z-400-f-lead-free-wave-solder-p-556.html

Spartan wave solder machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 17:56:39 EST 2014 | warwolf

can you link to the one you are looking at getting?

Spartan wave solder machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 20 18:57:52 EST 2014 | warwolf

I can only say it looks okay for what you need, you will want a dual wave system it can make things so much easier. One thing to check would be the wave nozzle sizes I can see that the conveyor will do up to 15" but thats not to say the nozzle is

Problem with solder joints in wave solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 21 13:51:19 EST 2014 | rgduval

Armando, Is the problem in the same spot on the board with every run? If so, there might be something about that particular location that is part of the cause (ie. ground or power plane connection). It sounds like you're seeing blow holes, or insu

solder skips in chip wave on a NU/ERA wave solder

Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 11:54:29 EDT 2009 | allwave

Armando, Make sure chip wave is pumping evenly across. These TD machines require a lot of maintenance (deep cleaning)to ensure all the holes on nozzle are open... My two cents, George

Bismuth in solder wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 06 14:31:42 EDT 2000 | Jeff Sanchez

I have 25#'s of bismuth in my shop. I wanted to add some to my 63/37 till it was eutectic. This would allow me to lower the waves temp. Can I do this and still meet standards? Also would it make the solder joints to brittle and would discoloration be

Best source for 50lb of SN100C bar

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 31 13:42:08 EDT 2008 | comatose

I'm looking to fill a solder fountain with 50lb of SN100C. My usual source for paste and the like doesn't stock this alloy. We run double sided reflow, so we're not going to be needing hundreds of pounds for a wave machine at any point. Who is the

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