Electronics Forum: baskets for water wash (Page 1 of 8)

boards damaged by water wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 06 12:55:01 EDT 1999 | Patrick O'Connor

0603's and 0402's are being damaged by the water wash post reflow. PCA's are 1" X 4" and 2" X 2" approximately. We've adjusted water pressure so that the top-down is higher than the bottom up. The baskets have a .5" mesh spacing. Some baskets h

Mesh for board washer baskets

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 22 22:26:12 EDT 2004 | pdeuel

we keep some extra chain belt that is used in most washers and reflow ovens. We have not had any problems. Our wash has slightly more pressure comming from the top nozzles than the bottom nozzles. same for the air. This will hold the boards down in t

Mesh for board washer baskets

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 18:04:28 EDT 2004 | kmakiya

Thanks for the info. I have looked at an EVA mesh that will pass esd test as well as exposure to w/s flux and hot water. Stainless is great but the the softer material is what I want. I want to get samples of the thermoplastics from Mcmaster. Thanks

Re: boards damaged by water wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 06 16:22:58 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| 0603's and 0402's are being damaged by the water wash post reflow. PCA's are 1" X 4" and 2" X 2" approximately. | | We've adjusted water pressure so that the top-down is higher than the bottom up. | | The baskets have a .5" mesh spacing. Some

water wash small but mechanically sensitive PCBA

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 17:02:37 EDT 2015 | cnotebaert

Id say get them panelized to help lock it down in a basket or under a screen, we actually started making our own baskets out of screen material, tight mesh and not as rough. the other option would be to get something to hold them off the wash conv ho

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 07:11:35 EDT 2017 | emeto

Now you are putting your assembly to vibrate with frequency of 30-60kHz. What kind of flux/paste are you using? If it is NC there is no reason to clean. If it is water wash, you should consider a proper way of cleaning it according to your paste/flux

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 12:10:36 EDT 2017 | duchoang

Thank you for your replies. We use No-Clean Paste and some customers do not want any residue left around solder joint even so, so little. They want the residue washed completely. If we use water-soluble flux, we still need to wash, anyway. Their conc

Re: Metal baskets for cleaning of PCBA's (The Cheap way)

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 21:47:46 EDT 1999 | Steve Gregory

| HELP | I need any information on how to purchase "Metal baskets" | (dimensions 3" height x 18" width and length) for our HUGE cleaning machine for our PCBA's. Pleas eif anybody could give me sales info, or company information it would be greatly a

Water quality for rinse water

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 29 15:55:26 EST 1998 | James Lalicker

We use a inline water wash system to clean our PWA's. How low should i be able to let my DI water resistivity get before replacing the DI tanks. Is there a standard i can get on this subject. Thanks JL

Re: Water quality for rinse water

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 01 11:39:14 EST 1999 | Christopher Lampron

| We use a inline water wash system to clean our PWA's. How | low should i be able to let my DI water resistivity get before replacing the DI tanks. Is there a standard i can get on this subject. | | Thanks | JL | JL, I too have been looking for a

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