Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 08:03:14 EST 2005 | jonathanpaul
Have any of you ever experienced minor eruptions in your solder bath while it is heating up? Our solder bath splashes solder while it's heating. Once the bath is molten, it no longer does. Can anyone suggest a cause?
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 26 13:13:14 EST 2017 | dyoungquist
What type of solder are you using, Lead or Lead-Free? What is the melting point of it? What temperature are you setting your solder bath to? Possible solutions: 1) Give your solder bath a little more time to even out the temperature across the en
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 23 08:06:52 EST 2017 | bukas
i have an issue with solder bath temperature. there is a big difference in temperature of alloy in the middle of the bath and at the ends(about 35C). i took down heating elements for inspection and they look fine. its just that most of the heat is cr
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 14 01:00:47 EST 2017 | soldertraining
Soldering Bath - When we need to tin high-power contacts or a lot of wires, for example, in making harnesses, a regular soldering iron is either impossible to use due to the high thermal capacitance requirement, or takes way too long to perform the t
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 09:19:30 EST 2005 | patrickbruneel
Check your heater elements one or more are defective causing uneven heat distribution.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 11:55:12 EST 2005 | jonathanpaul
Thank-you gentlemen, I'll look into these possibilities.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 20:14:19 EST 2005 | KEN
It may not be a bad element. If the elements are not sequenced you will have this problem. It may be a machine design limitation.
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 10 15:04:40 EST 2005 | pmd
Rapid heating of solder caused solder underneath surface to expand and become pressurized. Check to see if power cycles on and off during warm up. A slower rate of of climb should help.
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 08:53:59 EST 2005 | Marc
some thoughts come to mind..... usually an air pocket as the solder heats up, or the surface is still solid and liquid under, pressure builds and then... check your heaters, make sure one (or more) is not bad, may be getting uneven heating. cover y
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 07 22:23:40 EST 2005 | mrduckmann2000
Ken, You nailed it! We have a Electrovert Vectra wave solder machine that will erupt solder all over the place while heating up, we had to disable the timer because of all the solder splatering. Electrovert told us that our machine had a small des