Electronics Forum: becoming (Page 1 of 123)

Mirrored BGA Assembly

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 18 21:36:42 EDT 2004 | KEN

This is the least desirable method (mirroring). 1. X-ray inspection becomes difficult. I will repeat: x-ray inspection becomes difficult. False fails go up. True fail detection goes down. 2. Remove and replace becomes challenging. You really

PCB Cleaner

Electronics Forum | Fri May 15 07:09:27 EDT 1998 | Brian K Heston

List, Is there any special disposal protocol needed when the filters on the PC board washer becomes clogged? How often do these filters become clogged? These filters would trap lead and such so how much does it cost to get rid of the filters? Bria

The part of sloder become to yellowish

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 29 03:32:19 EDT 2014 | cmchoue

The solder in MB become to yellowish after thermal test (100 oC/12HR) I think the problem that is flux residue and I really want to know the principle that why it color change Thanks!!

CSP/BGA Assembly Problems

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 29 08:11:18 EST 1998 | Kelvin Chow

As CSP and BGA packages become more and more popular, I want to know if anyone get problem to assembly CSP packages. Currently, most CSP use 20mil solder ball diameter and it is a trend to go down to 16mil or even 12mil. I wonder if there is a probl

Closing Dead Threads

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 02 20:21:50 EDT 2001 | davef

When do threads become inactive so that fine people can no longer post to them?

SMT Equipment

Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 28 06:19:18 EDT 2002 | GregH

again....it might become available in the States as it is currently being sold in Asia Pacific.

Oven for lead free...???

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 05:42:33 EST 2004 | Rob

I hear it's becoming quite fashionable in certain circles.

Quoting New Jobs

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 26 09:49:56 EDT 2005 | davef

Your estimate will become more accurate as you increase levels of the subtasks.

Vacuum Bags

Electronics Forum | Wed May 16 17:36:42 EDT 2007 | slthomas

Can't you schedule the bake to coincide with the production run so it just becomes part of the process flow?

Foam in the wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 13 14:27:13 EDT 2007 | hussman

"I've always dreamed of becoming a golf club."

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