Electronics Forum: bending leads after soldering (Page 1 of 84)

bending PCB Panel

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 10:14:36 EDT 2003 | sergiovito

Hello Everyone, I am assemblying a special Panel PCB, dimensions 330 x 250 mm with 8 single PCBs in it. After SMD reflow oven, the panel is bending and this is impacting in the next process - solder machine. some areas on the PCB aren't touched by t

Trimming leads

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 04 11:55:08 EST 2000 | Casimir Budzinski

I am looking for a faster way to trim component leads after wave solder. We now cut by hand, we have a Q-cuter but stoped using it the blades dulled quickly and left flags. we just got a cut and clinch locator and hope this will solve some of are pro

Aluminium capacitor rotation after soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 10:08:52 EDT 2015 | emeto

I assume you are running Lead paste and that is why your parts are moving during reflow. Most probably these caps have leads that are bended in random directions(look at some parts from the bottom and observe how symmetrical the leads are). In additi

Re: Trimming leads

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 06 07:49:16 EST 2000 | Dave F

Casimir: A comment and a couple questions: * Have you considered a machine that forms component leads to "self-clinch?" With this forming components snap into hole in the boards with the proper finished lead length and requires not trimming after

pb free component leads

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 16 12:34:49 EST 2005 | greg

Hi all We recently have a problem with component in package 0805 (capasitor 100nF). I have noticed that after reflow soldering only one lead of the component is soldered. The second one is just laying on the PCB land. We use screen printing process

Re: Trimming leads

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 05 14:51:08 EST 2000 | Bill Petlock

Casimir, The Q and other lead trimmers work extremely well if properly used. Blade life is directly proportional to to the height of the cut. There are a few factors that are very important in trimming. You are working with a solid carbide blade whi

Re: Humidity bake bends leads

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 19:52:39 EDT 1999 | Scott McKee

| While trying to sell me a low temperature baking system for SMDs the salesman mentioned that the 125C for 24hr bake had been known to cause co-planarity defects. | I thought I'd ask some experts. Any help guys? | Let me get this straight... He's

Detecting lifted leads on QFPs

Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 07:37:52 EDT 1999 | Steve Cheung

Yes l know this problem keeps cropping up on the forum but l've missed some of the follow-ups. Our problem is that the lifting only occurs on 3% of production so actually detecting an improvement is difficult. We're actually having to inspect 144 p

Re: Humidity bake bends leads

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 16 19:02:39 EDT 1999 | Dave F

| While trying to sell me a low temperature baking system for SMDs the salesman mentioned that the 125C for 24hr bake had been known to cause co-planarity defects. | I thought I'd ask some experts. Any help guys? | Gerry: I imagine there could be s

Re: Humidity bake bends leads

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 19 17:44:43 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | While trying to sell me a low temperature baking system for SMDs the salesman mentioned that the 125C for 24hr bake had been known to cause co-planarity defects. | | I thought I'd ask some experts. Any help guys? | | | Gerry: I imagine there co

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