Electronics Forum: best aoi 2014 (Page 1 of 41)


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 16:58:04 EDT 2002 | dragonslayr

You definitely need to have live demos of each system, using your specific assembly if you want to compare apples to apples. Each of the AOI OEM's you mentioned have plus amd minus to their unique systems. You will need to evaluate your specific nee


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 19 21:46:01 EDT 2002 | scottefiske

In the past year I was responsible for developing and leading a Team focused on AOI, Evaluation, Justification, and with a full ROI required, supporting a HMLV manufacturing environment. If you have in these economic times the additional resources t

aoi inline

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 17:00:57 EDT 2001 | mparker

Start with a definition of what you expect the AOI to achieve at each station. Will your in-line machine be post print? Place (pre-reflow) or post reflow? Rather than buy one very expensive machine to put at the end of the line, maybe a couple of

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 15:51:30 EDT 2010 | tony_d

Hello Jamyboy, If you don't mind paying a premium. You can't go wrong with Mirtec. In my opinion they have the absolute best desktop AOI system on the market! Here is a link - http://www.mirtecusa.com/index.php?_p_=11 Best of luck with your AOI

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | eadthem |

Fri Nov 05 00:33:52 EDT 2010

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 07 17:40:25 EDT 2010 | jamyboy

Wondering who has the best Table Top AOI system these days? Looking for something that does it all SMT,THT,Solder joints.....whole 9 yards...Thank you.

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 14 09:22:43 EDT 2010 | jamyboy

thank you for the input .....starting to wonder if people were really using AOI?? Checked out the Mertec website and arranging for a presentation....

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 04 10:26:47 EDT 2010 | methos1979

Solder evaluation formulas and other questions: Since the last two posters have a lot of experience with the Mirtec system I had another question for them. I would like to start a discussion of some of the techniques Mirtec AOI users are employing

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 13 18:05:00 EDT 2010 | denisp

i agree

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 17 11:14:22 EDT 2010 | methos1979

I just completed an exhaustive search and review of desktop AOI systems. Two systems rose to the top - Mirtec and Yestech. I got to spend time with both platforms and both had their pluses and minuses. I would be happy to share my experience with

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