Electronics Forum: best packing msd machine components (Page 1 of 1)

Support Fixtures or Systems

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 11:19:00 EDT 2001 | hinerman

A flexible array support system is superior in the following categories discussed in the 'tooling classes' thread. -High Flexibility -Effective on a variety of products -Low operator intervention -Conforms to PCB, so it is both accurate and repeatab

Re: More moisture-sensitivity ??'s

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 24 17:42:34 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Rich: Awww, don�t worry that you have to ship product. This moisture sensitive part thing is more important. ;-) And don�t worry that everyone is giving you guff and no one is supporting you. Yours is a thankless job. ;-) You got it right!!!

MOLE's Oven rider

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 04 22:59:23 EST 1999 | Kris Ewen

I'd like to add something about the ECD product. During a past work term (I'm a a co-op student) in an SMA plant, I worked extensively with the Super MOLE Gold in developing the reflow profiles for high-mix, low-volume production. I was 'married' t


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