Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 03 01:40:24 EDT 2019 | sarason
I own a metcal for the high precision work 1500$ in 1992 tips $60 in 1992 and have only used one tip in all that time, have horses holves for large pin devices, precision points for 0402 and a largest tip for service work. Also have Hakkos for bulk
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 14 02:22:51 EST 2008 | ilona
David, why not contact the current suppliers of selective soldering systems for a copy of their layout specs? Surely we all would be interested to provide potential customers with the info they need to evaluate a process applicabilty or to design bo
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 03 08:02:48 EST 2008 | dstevenson
hi all and a happy new year, does anyone know if there are any industry best practices for board design in terms of selective soldering?? Whilst right now the product portfolio of my company is not suitable for the introduction of a selective solderi
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 05 16:25:27 EST 1998 | Brian Stumm @ ETS
| I am looking for information on reflow temps for a flex board. There is only one 6 pin IC but the board has a 3M double sided tape. | Is it possible to reflow without damaging the tape. Any suggestions? Do you have a profiler for your reflow oven?
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 15 18:58:10 EDT 2002 | davef
Problems using NC in RF circuits are peculiar. Depending on the situation [ie, circuit layout, frequency of use, processes used, materials, and what not], a particular NC flux may not work with a RF circuit. Various NC fluxes leave different levels
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 10 07:34:00 EDT 2020 | elijah
From the poor bonding strength of the board, the surface quality problems of the board are divided into: 1. The cleanliness of the board surface; 2. The problem of micro graphite (or surface energy) on the surface. PCB circuit board proofing Youke bo
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 10:17:17 EDT 2013 | ericrr
Some times the PCB manufacture sends PCB panels with bad circuits, there are three ways to make these PCB without placing parts on the bad circuit, Well two in fact plus my method. (1) Placing a light mark on a dark background (or reverse) then the
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 21 12:49:07 EST 2013 | deanm
We had the same problem with one of our boards with ground planes so that it required preheat using a hotplate before hand soldering. Then I learned about the Metcal MX-5000 series soldering irons. I was skeptical at first but we can now solder the s
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 07 14:21:41 EST 1999 | Brian W.
In my experience, the most commonly accepted theory is that 100% inspection is only 80% effective AT BEST. That means that if your inspoectors are happy, noy outside concerns, well-rested, etc, they will catch 80% of the defects. This number goes d
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 26 08:19:50 EDT 2011 | cobham1
I am looking for some guidance concerning cleaning PCB's. We are bringing in house our circuit boards and need to clean them. I am not sure what the best method is. Is it Ultrasonic or Batch wash. If someone can make some comments one way or the othe
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