Electronics Forum: bf planet x (Page 1 of 2)

AOI-problems lifted lead on qfp-100

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 05:30:59 EDT 2010 | patejl

Hi We have a problem here in the company with AOI system, most of the problem is lifted lead on qfp components.We are using SAKI BF-planet-x. Most of the defects like mising components 603 or 402 are no problem but if it comes to lifted lead even

Saki BF-FrontierII

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 11 07:56:32 EDT 2024 | oxygensmd

Our plan is havint 500x250 LED PCB.

electrically conductive adhesives

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 16:14:46 EST 2005 | davef

Rob: Why aren't the board houses over there going to lead-free HASL [not that HASL is the most wonderful thing on the planet]? What's the price delta on an unit basis for a x-HASL, now imm Ag board? Anyhow back to the point, so, you're proposing t

Panasonoc CM602-L Problem

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 22 05:36:58 EDT 2015 | myleb

Hi Nhel, It's quite strange problem here... 1. The voltage check: please supply power voltage. Inside machine (BF) there is a transformer, please make sure the voltage setup is correct. 2. In Ringload information, please see the 12V and 24V, is it

Double Sided Tape - Is That The Best?

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 16:14:49 EDT 2007 | davef

Sure, 99 percent of the planet uses 3M double-sided tape #666 tape in helping to verify first piece after a new placement program, but is that the best there is out there? We have this 3X5 card sized "Sample - Double Stick Sheets," which [according

time/pressure dispensing

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 19:43:05 EDT 2006 | davef

We hope this meets your standards for acceptable responses. * http://www.uic.com/wcms/images2.nsf/(GraphicLib)/Time_Pressure_Dispensing.PDF/$File/Time_Pressure_Dispensing.PDF * On the Flow Rate Dynamics in Time-Pressure Dispensing Processes; X. B. C

Modems reflow mistake

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 12 10:26:52 EDT 2015 | eniac

My greetings to all. Time to time I receive the next results of modems soldering: http://i.piccy.info/i9/71ae4c358c6e4bc3f1cbf140495bc437/1444660170/135005/872954/GL868_7.jpg or http://i.piccy.info/i9/d1181be142e285a39b49b81d37bde72a/1444660270/1

Re: Going, going, gone, but back

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 16 15:39:43 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

| | I'm off (as you all know) to other pastures. You know - sheep tupping on the green (or some other Elizabethan BS). Anyway, I now have to go to work for a living, or retire (don't remember which), to make a living. | | Deeply invloved in micro BG

Wave Soldering with or w/o Nitrogen

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 12 22:27:50 EST 2002 | davef

I'd speculate that the properties of a well formed solder connection processed in air and N2 are indistinguishable. Then again, the pitch is that N2 gives a wider process window, especially for NC flux-types. In the SMTnet Library look for: �Opti

Solder paste high measurement

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 03 13:46:46 EDT 2010 | davef

2 Benchtop paste inspection * Synapse 3D Master 3000neo Desktop SPI Machine [Synapse Imaging; Room#102-505, SK VENTIUM, 522, Dangjeong, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi, South Korea; 82 3 1436 0430 http://www.synapseimaging.co.kr] * ZC1000 [PTS System (S) Pte Ltd

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