Electronics Forum: bga and repair (Page 1 of 65)

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 11:45:04 EST 2005 | Mark

Based on the components mentioned, it sounds like you need a soldering station rather than a bga rework station. The equipment mentioned would allow you to rework fine pitch QFPs and BGAs. Reworking an sot-23 using one of those systems is inefficie

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 13:09:13 EST 2005 | reash

What system would you guys recommend as a good rework and repair system in the $10,000-$40,000 range or so? The company I work for is just starting to branch out into working with SMT components.

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 13:05:32 EST 2005 | reash

Thanks for the feedback. I'd still like to know what you guys think about Pace. Maybe we'll look into their MBT-250-SDPT Repair System (http://www.paceworldwide.com/_ShowSystemDetails.asp?ProductGroupID=2∏uctID=26 ). Or maybe even a very low-end R

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 26 19:03:41 EST 2005 | russ

40K most likely SRT > 40k most likely Weller Liester Hako Metcal There is a bigger list of companies that I wouldn't give the time of day to.

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 11:33:59 EST 2005 | russ

For what you have right now I would recommend that you use soldering iron tips that are made for component removal. until you get BGAs I wouldn't worry a whole lot about the expensive rework equipment. I would use specialty tips and a heat gun wit

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 09:30:07 EST 2005 | reash

Well the powers that be actually want to go with a regular rework station, for future growth. I guess they plan on using BGAs sometime in the near future. We're also planning on using a D-Pak device in this first board. So now we're looking at the

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 06:39:59 EST 2005 | reash

For now, on this first board, we will be reworking components such as 0805 and 1210 size caps and resistors, along with SOT-23 and SC-70 size packages. We might eventually get into BGAs. This board will most likely be a double-sided board, probably

6 layer board and routing bga package

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 05:08:40 EST 2016 | truewanderer

Thank you Tsvetan Usunov

6 layer board and routing bga package

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 16 13:58:02 EST 2016 | tsvetan

this document http://www.latticesemi.com/view_document?document_id=671 may be good start point but note that how to escape from the BGA is not big deal, how to route your filtering capcitors, grounding, impedance control lof you high speed signals ar

6 layer board and routing bga package

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 19 05:14:04 EST 2016 | truewanderer

Hi, i have a confusion to read the dimension of BGA package from the datasheet. I have attached the datasheet below. Is this diameter of the ball 0.30mm or 0.15mm. I'm confused about the values given in the box. Whats meant by M, S, A and B. Please g

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