Electronics Forum: bga and solder and stencils (Page 1 of 27)

RoHS and stencils

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 03 14:40:22 EST 2006 | amol_kane

i think a more important issue here would be the reduction ratio. as LF solders have a higher surface tension, they do not flow as well as their leaded counterparts. therefore the stencil design may have to be changed (hence a new stencil) if the red

Re: Step down stencils using CBGA and 20 mil QFP's

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 25 15:23:26 EDT 1999 | Dave F

Ron: You're really talking about a step-up stencil in the area of the BGA. I don't think your problem is a lack of solder, but who know? I think you should do some sections on returned boards from your customer to help determine the source of the

Step down stencils using CBGA and 20 mil QFP's

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 21 14:02:32 EDT 1999 | Ron Costa

We are a contract manufacturer currently building a job with IBM CBGA-255 devices and 20mil QFP's that are close to each other. We use a 6 mil laser cut and electro polished stencil with one to one apertures on the BGA's. The customer is experiencing

Re: Step down stencils using CBGA and 20 mil QFP's

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 22 06:19:42 EDT 1999 | TNT

Ron, if I am reading this correctly the 20mil parts are not having problems on a 6mil stencil. If you increase the entire thickness of the stencil to 8mils, there should not be any issues with the 20mil components. The supports you are using could p

I want to learn about bga technology from a pick and place mache

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 09 20:39:31 EDT 2010 | malcolmlanders

I have never placed a bga chip before and need to know some o0f the basics of how to do it. I am really intrested in how the stencil will work with the soider and if there is a special soider that i need to use. I usually use a leaded soider from man

I want to learn about bga technology from a pick and place mache

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 14 16:59:52 EDT 2010 | swag

Solder paste on the pads will keep part aligned. If you do not use paste, you will need to apply tacky flux. You should not run without one or the other.

solder sphere and weight issues

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 17 18:17:28 EST 1998 | John Wilson

I am looking for any information or testing data done on the amount of weight that can be held by a bga package based on size of the solder sphere and number of spheres. I am reflowing components with a bga package on the opposite side and looking f

Re: solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 29 21:53:46 EST 2000 | Kelvin Chow

Dear Robert, On PBGA assembly, BGA sphere shrinkage number depends to the following factors, a. BGA Sphere size (before reflow) b. Solder mask opening diameter As far as I know, no formular has been established yet. Most of my friends just collect

Re: solder balls and flux

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 29 21:53:46 EST 2000 | Kelvin Chow

Dear Robert, On PBGA assembly, BGA sphere shrinkage number depends to the following factors, a. BGA Sphere size (before reflow) b. Solder mask opening diameter As far as I know, no formular has been established yet. Most of my friends just collect

Samsung SM482 and BGA

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 28 00:11:30 EDT 2016 | ricoloverde

Hi, new to the forum here. First Post! Ive been using a Samsung sm482 for about 2 years and recently got the heads up that we will be getting a project soon with a BGA chip. Im wondering if anyone on here uses the SM482 for BGA and if so, can offer

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