Electronics Forum: bga damaged (Page 1 of 15)

cost effective bga remove

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 09:22:40 EST 2004 | Tobias

Hello, i'm searching for a way to remove bga's easy and cost effective. It doesn't matter if the PCB or adjacent assemblies are damaged. Thanks!

underfilling of bga

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 18:42:41 EDT 2009 | anndi

1smtdude, I interested in your explaination of > re-work an underfill part. You mention the > material can be heated to a plastic state to > become vicious... do you know usually what range > is the temperate? (guess it can depend on the > type

Removing Loctite glue from board / bga

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 15:02:53 EDT 2006 | FredC

If you really have Loctite Super Glue it is a cyanoacrylate and can be removed with acetone. If you have a Loctite aneorbic glue that has not hardened yet, acetone will remove it. If an anerobic has hardened I know of nothing that will remove it. Als

BGA - Damage to solder mask

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 11:21:22 EST 1999 | Patrick O' Herlihy

Can anyone recommend ways of reducing damage to solder masks ... a new wick perhaps. I find that using standard wicks the imposed damage is un-acceptable. Also any good links on the subject of bga rework would be really appreciated in earnest ...

BGA Pad damage

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 08 09:48:11 EST 2006 | SMTRework

Hi Guys / Gals, just curious as to how some of you approch BGA pad damage? (ie broken or lifted pads) Also, what kind of success rate have you found with your method?

BGA Pad damage

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 13:35:32 EST 2006 | ppcbs

Send it to the BGA Rework Specialists at: http://www.pcb-repair.com

BGA Pad damage

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 09 08:47:41 EST 2006 | davef

Look here: http://www.circuitrework.com/guides/4-0.shtml

BGA,s Storage

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 07 08:06:29 EST 2001 | hany_khoga

Dear All : 1- We assemble mixed technology boards. For some reasons, sometimes we store them semi assembled (only SMT). Knowing that they have plastic BGA,s , can the wave solder m/c affect or damage those BGA,S on continuation their production?

Recommended max board temp for BGA repair

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 10 16:04:09 EDT 2005 | rrylande

I am concerned about delamination and other modes of damaging the board itself. Am I mistaken to believe that raising the entire board to near reflow temperatures (during the repair of a single BGA) may damage the quality of the board?

Re: BGA - Damage to solder mask

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 20:51:29 EST 1999 | Dave F

| Can anyone recommend ways of reducing damage to solder masks ... a new wick perhaps. I find that using standard wicks the imposed damage is un-acceptable. | | Also any good links on the subject of bga rework would be really appreciated | | in ear

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