Electronics Forum: bga missing (Page 1 of 12)

Re: bga

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 22:15:26 EDT 1999 | NAZEEH CHAUDRY

| | | I have a zevatech 570 and 560 my boss want to place bga.s with these machines, Ive told him he needs to ugrade to newer machines. Zevatech say "no problem our machine are number 1". | | | these machines dont even offer bga selections. These mac

Missing BGA Balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 12:07:20 EDT 2006 | CKH

Hi Folk, if i have already mounted a BGA ICs with Missing BGA Balls onto the board, what will the Missing BGA Balls look like in X-Ray (2D & 3D).... A Big Void or will it look the same as other BGA Balls? Appreciate your advice. Thks & Rdgs CKH

Missing BGA Balls

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 08:30:32 EDT 2006 | CKH

Thks for the advice....

Missing BGA Balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 18:00:39 EDT 2006 | russ

it will lok like an empty pad, very light in color, it will be very obvious in Xray

Missing BGA Balls

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 21 08:31:27 EDT 2006 | CKH

Thank you for your advice...

Re: BGA ball missing.

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 29 09:12:39 EDT 1998 | Dave F

| Hi folks, | Lately I am also having problem with BGA ball problem. | We are finding more and more on X-ray analysis and is very expensive to replace. I know for sure that we could | rework on CCGA but there is no certified process in industry as w

Re: BGA ball missing.

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 20:06:25 EDT 1998 | Kallol Chakraborty

Hi folks, Lately I am also having problem with BGA ball problem. We are finding more and more on X-ray analysis and is very expensive to replace. I know for sure that we could rework on CCGA but there is no certified process in industry as we speak

What is the issue?

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 07 03:16:33 EDT 2020 | rsatmech

It's a BGA component. Missing ball is not possible because we have enabled the vision in pick and place. Solder paste is OM353 type 5 Possibilities of Flux dry before reflow seems valid but I saw the board data it was completed on time like other

What is the issue?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 31 19:14:58 EDT 2020 | emeto

Interesting one. I your machine placement algorithm capable to catch missing ball on the BGA while placing? Second question will be about component itself - datasheet will probably help. BGA body amterial? BGA balls alloy? BGA pad material before bal

Losing balls on BGA's after second side reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 25 13:52:51 EDT 2010 | tate350

Are there any tantalum caps near the BGA? I have seen "wet" tant caps releasing moisture during reflow and disrupting the BGA balls. It may result in missing balls or bridging.

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