Electronics Forum: bga pb (Page 1 of 24)

underfilling of bga

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 18:42:41 EDT 2009 | anndi

1smtdude, I interested in your explaination of > re-work an underfill part. You mention the > material can be heated to a plastic state to > become vicious... do you know usually what range > is the temperate? (guess it can depend on the > type

Mix Pb and Pb free alloy

Electronics Forum | Wed May 24 15:59:34 EDT 2006 | JohnM

I have a product with mixed in Pb free and Pb BGAs. I decide to use SnPb paste with Pb free reflow profile to make it work for both types of BGA. Do I have a reliability solder joint issue by using this method? How is your opinion on this case? Can

Pb Free BGA Backward Compatibility

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 31 00:42:09 EDT 2013 | dhanish

Why we cannot run Pb Free BGA with Sn/Pb process but we can run high temp BGA(90/10) with Sn/Pb? Both require high temperature to form the IMC.Why there is a difference in the reliability?

BGA Resistor Array Separating from Balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 14:01:47 EST 2010 | cl

Good Afternoon, Is this by chance a Pb BGA on a RoHS board? We had an issue with a Pb BGA on a RoHS board where we experienced "ball drop" on the Pb BGA. This was due to the heat required to reflow the RoHS paste. It was more than the Pb BGA could

Pb free BGA and Sn Pb solder paste

Electronics Forum | Thu May 06 06:47:12 EDT 2004 | praveen

Hi, I just need to undestand any issue? If I mount Pb free BGA and use normal SN/Pb solder paste?


Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 30 04:05:13 EST 2008 | tsvetan

not so huge if you work with cotton gloves Tsvetan


Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 01 11:24:41 EST 2008 | muse95

What do gloves have to do with it? The paper is what could be holding the ESD charge.


Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 01 12:05:28 EST 2008 | markhoch

Oh don't worry, it'll be fine as long as you're wearing brown socks. ;)


Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 03 14:34:34 EST 2008 | wavemasterlarry

Listen. I like balloons

Pb-Free BGA on SnPb Assemblies

Electronics Forum | Thu May 08 08:07:24 EDT 2008 | tazzntigger

I am with Rwyman. This "hybrid" profile is also used for reworking the BGA's.

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