Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 09 08:44:05 EDT 2002 | apg
Dear colleagues. I ask you to prompt me about necessity of drawing pastes through a stensil at the soldering micro BGA with step between leeds 1 mm and 0,8 mm or uses only a flux for this purpose. And what most suitable paste for the soldering of su
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 22:15:26 EDT 1999 | NAZEEH CHAUDRY
| | | I have a zevatech 570 and 560 my boss want to place bga.s with these machines, Ive told him he needs to ugrade to newer machines. Zevatech say "no problem our machine are number 1". | | | these machines dont even offer bga selections. These mac
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 06:14:27 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon
| | I have a zevatech 570 and 560 my boss want to place bga.s with these machines, Ive told him he needs to ugrade to newer machines. Zevatech say "no problem our machine are number 1". | | these machines dont even offer bga selections. These machine
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 07 22:07:56 EDT 1999 | NAZEEH CHAUDRY
| | | I have a zevatech 570 and 560 my boss want to place bga.s with these machines, Ive told him he needs to ugrade to newer machines. Zevatech say "no problem our machine are number 1". | | | these machines dont even offer bga selections. These mac
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 02 15:08:37 EDT 2002 | Eric
See Fiske first line. I'd bet You are bending or catching the assembly in the ICT. How many probes at 8OZ each? do you use on that ICT? 800 probes = 400lbs. See "Flexure induced failure of BGA solder joints" by Compaq Houston TX
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 19 10:06:22 EDT 2010 | karlo
Rework is typically done by heating the BGA to 170-180C to first scrape off the fillet. Then, heat to above reflow, and lift the BGA. Then, collapse the solder with heat and flux. Then, back down at 170-180C, scrape off the underfill from the boar
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 09 17:41:24 EST 2004 | davef
Try this: * Run the board through your reflow oven set for a "normal" recipe, but with the cooling section turned off. * Pick the BGA from the board while the solder is still liquid using tweezers [or similar tool].
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 10:45:29 EDT 2002 | pbarton
We have used a laser cut stencil 0.15mm (0.006") thick with 0.3mm (0.012") square apertures radiused in the corners 0.06mm (0.0025") to aid paste release. This approach with the (type 3) paste we use has proven successful on thousands of devices plac
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 14 18:42:41 EDT 2009 | anndi
1smtdude, I interested in your explaination of > re-work an underfill part. You mention the > material can be heated to a plastic state to > become vicious... do you know usually what range > is the temperate? (guess it can depend on the > type
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 09:15:29 EDT 2002 | mhoughton
I have printed and placed similar devices in high volume with exactly this spec for a couple of years with no problems, are you using laser cut stencils and what type of solder paste are you using? and what is the end use of the product as it may nee