Electronics Forum: bga vias plugged tent (Page 1 of 10)

Via tent on both side of the PCB; Immersion Tin

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 06 08:27:24 EDT 2001 | davef

Yes, some solder masks do not tent well, because the material is too thin. That�s the trade-off. Thin masks: * Conform well to [don't bleed onto] fine pitch features. * Tent vias poorly, requiring an additional "plugging" step. As you imply, if th

Using LPI w/ tented vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 09 17:34:08 EDT 2000 | Melanie Mulcahy

I need some information regarding the acceptability/unacceptability of using tented vias with LPI soldermask. Long story on all involved, but basically I have a board that I have had manufactured with no problems which has BGA/uBGA parts, tented via

PBGA vias throwing solder balls

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 16 18:59:14 EDT 2004 | Carol

Thanks Everyone, the information was very useful. We use 7095 as a bible. A-610 6.5.3 doesn't allow for any solder balls not entrapped/attached etc. so we will look again at plugging/tenting both ends of the via. We ran into the problem of the mask

PBGA vias throwing solder balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 14:52:22 EDT 2004 | Carol

During processing, the solder in the vias reflows and forms solder balls. PCBs have solder in random PBGA vias from the board manufacturer.The manufacturer says this is a result of the HASL process and is unavoidable. We use HASL finish, multilayer,

PBGA vias throwing solder balls

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 19:47:16 EDT 2004 | davef

use something other than HASL. "The rest of the world seems to be processing with no problems..." [Hello!!! Earth to Carol. This is a test.] Things you are considering could be more trouble than they�re worth. "1) Reduce via hole size" [If you re

BGA rework with unplugged vias PCB

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 21 13:33:46 EST 2006 | ppcbs

The problem with super glue is that is has a cyanide base that turns into a toxic gas and evaporates when heated. See IPC-7095. Via's should be fully plugged with solder mask at the fab house. If your PCB designers are not up to speed on IPC requi

BGA rework with unplugged vias PCB

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 00:55:51 EST 2006 | billylim

As you are aware the common method to rework BGA is : 1. Remove BGA with hot air reflow machine ( SRT as current practice) 2. Clean the BGA pad using solder iron and solder wick. 3. Replace BGA with SRT rework machine. The problem we have with

Via tenting/filling with BGAs

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 20:33:24 EST 2005 | davef

Q1. What are you guys doing for filled/tented/plugged vias on the BGA site? A2. 2221A, 4.5.1 tells you the vias have to be tented on both sides. Q2. What type of issues can this cause if using no filled/tented/plugged vias on the BGA site? A2. BGA

Via tenting/filling with BGAs

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 08:05:59 EST 2005 | jdumont

Morning all, my question is regarding the use of filled/tented/plugged vias on the BGA site. What are you guys doing for this? What type of issues can this cause if using none, or the improper via design. Regards, JD

BGA Via Plugging

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 07 11:59:48 EST 2002 | Ron Costa

When double sided BGA's are used on an .062 FR4 10 layer board should via's be plugged and tented? The CACHE chips being used are PBGA's 1.27mm pitch. The pad size is .030 and the finished via dia. is .010. This is a dogbone type pad and via design.

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