Electronics Forum: bga wash (Page 1 of 11)

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 04 21:21:21 EDT 2017 | duchoang

For some reasons, we need to wash our BGA boards in ultrasonic washer in order to clean all flux residue under BGA. We use Ultrasonic cleaner with 40 KHz. Should we or shouldn't we do that. Pros and Cons ? Any idea appreciated.

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 13:33:28 EDT 2017 | duchoang

We did some tests with good result. No failure physically and functionally. Is there report/study/documents about this procedure so we can convince customer to approve our process using ultrasonic wash. Thank you, Dave

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 12:50:48 EDT 2017 | davef

Why not toss a handful of the component that you're concerned about into your cleaner, clean them according to your board spec and the evaluate what happened?

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 07:11:35 EDT 2017 | emeto

Now you are putting your assembly to vibrate with frequency of 30-60kHz. What kind of flux/paste are you using? If it is NC there is no reason to clean. If it is water wash, you should consider a proper way of cleaning it according to your paste/flux

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 10:25:13 EDT 2017 | davef

Consider ... * National Physical Laboratory (NPL) [http://www.npl.co.uk] did an extensive amount of research on proper frequencies and power levels for ultrasonic cleaning, maybe in late 1980s or early 1990s. That report might help you sort through

Ultrasonic wash for BGA

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 12:10:36 EDT 2017 | duchoang

Thank you for your replies. We use No-Clean Paste and some customers do not want any residue left around solder joint even so, so little. They want the residue washed completely. If we use water-soluble flux, we still need to wash, anyway. Their conc

Water wash flux and cleaning

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:47:23 EDT 2017 | georgetruitt

You have a lot to think about! What does the flux manufacturer recommend as far as specifics like water temp or pressure? Do they recommend high temp di-water a detergent or saponifier? Do you currently have a cleaning machine, batch cleaner or inl

Possible to water wash no-clean solder paste boards?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 14 01:43:09 EDT 2005 | pyramus

Solder paste used was Kester FL250M (no-clean).... components affected were only chip components 0603, no BGA & no IC components.

washing BGA`s

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 17:33:43 EST 2000 | Ivan Rojas

I will just like to know if is ok to build a board with a BGA ,with water soluable paste and washed or is better to use a no clean paste . And one last question , what do you guys think about the better paste Kester or Indium .

washing BGA`s

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 10 17:33:37 EST 2000 | Ivan Rojas

I will just like to know if is ok to build a board with a BGA ,with water soluable paste and washed or is better to use a no clean paste . And one last question , what do you guys think about the better paste Kester or Indium .

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