Electronics Forum: binder binder (Page 1 of 2)

Palladium poor wetting

Electronics Forum | Thu May 25 03:31:17 EDT 2006 | slaine

Hi I manufacture ceramic parts that have a terminations that are palladium/platinum/silver or any combination of the 3. Termination Ink usually consists of 3 main parts the alloy, glass frit and binder. Binder is to help bind everything together whi

Having problems with quad feeders with thick Embossed tape

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 16:08:55 EST 2007 | mfoster

Some guys used to hang weight on the spent tape with a binder clip to help pull the tape through. Not ideal of course, but may help in a pinch...if you try it, you'll have to move the weight(s) up every so often.

RoHS Compliant Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Sat May 30 11:42:44 EDT 2020 | stephendo

At the same time ask for the technical data sheet and the Safety Data Sheet. You don't know what other auditors you may have to deal with in the future. And someone should have all the SDS's in a binder for all the chemicals that you use.

OSP / Paste Printing Problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 12 18:50:17 EDT 2002 | scottefiske

Sorry so late in getting into this tehcnical issue. I have seen this condition before...90% of the time in conditions of adhesion on a water soluble material... is the paste...exposure time, lot issue, etc..basically the paste's carriers and binders

Mydata package libraries

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 24 14:57:42 EDT 2006 | stepheniii

We have Mydata's as well. What I would like to do is have printouts in a binder. But I'm not sure the easiest way to do this and no one has time. This way you could have an offical shape for a given part number. Some parts might need two like those

Wave soldering problem - strange colour of the solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 18:13:25 EST 2007 | greg york

Try to process the composite pallet through the wave without any flux and view volume of smoke and if any residue is deposited in the wave when it exits. My guess is that the pallets are releasing some binders that are high boiling and this in turn c

Selective Soldering - nozlle material

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 12 11:47:25 EST 2019 | ranap121212

I am looking for a good material for selective nozzle. We are currently using Kovar but it is expensive and wears out it has very good wetting properties.I looking for a material or coating that would allow me to keep the binder flow and with less co

Looking for trays to lay boards on in reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 14:00:25 EDT 2019 | proceng1

We just use scrap PCBs for Oven carriers. You could probably contact your board house and as for just sheets of FR4 to use. I've also used a binder clip at each corner to lift a board off of the mesh belt in a pinch.

Printing Forum Responses

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 07 11:08:40 EDT 1998 | Dave F

We keep a binder of Forum resposes so that people without access to the Forum can keep up-to-speed. Responses do not print fully under the new format. I know: 1 I complainted that responses didn't go far enough across the page under the old form

No Clean vs. RMA

Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 24 20:10:06 EST 2004 | Ken

IF you open up your TV, cd player or color printer you will see RA / RMA flux ON EVERYTHING! The waxy binder protects the halogenated compounds from becoming active with atmospheric moisture. Self healing is a good way to look at it. However, OA is

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