Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 18:27:03 EDT 2007 | jmelson
This is probably an inner plated layer of the component that did not bond well. It may be a component that either has the wrong surface finish for lead-free or can't handle the temperatures. Many times I have seen a similar-looking layer when the l
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 08 17:22:51 EDT 2007 | naynayno
We have been producing an IMS assembly with SMT dpak's for some time. However, we recently encountered a new problem by chance - the parts can be flicked off with a finger nail. I state by chance because the solder joints are wetted and shiny with
Electronics Forum | Thu May 27 22:29:14 EDT 1999 | Mike Flori
Does anyone have a suggestion for a UV resistant black potting material? The material recommended by a local vendor turned gray in a couple of months in the sun here in Florida. We are using L.E.D.'s in a small housing (about 1.2" cube) and need to s
Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 11:14:21 EDT 1999 | TONY MASTROIANNI
| Does anyone have a suggestion for a UV resistant black potting material? The material recommended by a local vendor turned gray in a couple of months in the sun here in Florida. We are using L.E.D.'s in a small housing (about 1.2" cube) and need to
Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 11:22:21 EDT 1999 | TONY MASTROIANNI
| Does anyone have a suggestion for a UV resistant black potting material? The material recommended by a local vendor turned gray in a couple of months in the sun here in Florida. We are using L.E.D.'s in a small housing (about 1.2" cube) and need to
Electronics Forum | Fri May 28 12:51:11 EDT 1999 | John Thorup
| Does anyone have a suggestion for a UV resistant black potting material? The material recommended by a local vendor turned gray in a couple of months in the sun here in Florida. We are using L.E.D.'s in a small housing (about 1.2" cube) and need to
Electronics Forum | Wed Mar 28 14:38:24 EDT 2007 | amelara98
solder joints are dull on the bottom, and surprisingly, darkened, "black" on the top, especially at one location only.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 01 12:37:38 EDT 2013 | tpost
I do have access to an X-ray but it is only 2-D and it just appears as a black solder joint, not to impressive.. The main question though if it is a reowked solder joint does it still need to show wetting on the lead or can it be covered with solder
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 21 12:31:54 EDT 2003 | adlsmt
I have some finished boards that I have concluded have "black pad" defect. Outside of the black crap on some of the solder joints, if the boards are electrically functional, are they reliable? Any opinions would be appreciated as I dont want to throw
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 26 07:15:06 EDT 2007 | zanolli
I've used PVC, black iron and copper: Forget PVC, too dangerous as joint strength completely reliant on glue, black iron will rust and accumulate debris over time, copper is the best but now because of very high Cu commodity prices could very well be