Electronics Forum: blank label (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Automated Labeling -vs Direct Part Marking

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 19 09:12:33 EDT 1999 | John O'Brien

Why use labels? They are expensive, fall off, get mangled, etc. If you directly mark the boards, you'll probably save money, enhance traceability, etc. One major contract manufacturer projects payback at 7 months just eliminating label cost and goin

Dream SMT Line

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 13:32:42 EDT 2004 | Mike

If you had a blank check, what would the ideal/dream SMT line look like? I would like to get an idea of what are the best equipment models out there. I have not been able to go to APEX and I am not sure what new stuff is out there. Basic configur

Re: DFM / DFT information

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 13 22:20:38 EDT 2000 | Dave F

=10 mils larger than lead 3 silk screen legend text weight >=10 mils 4 pads >=15 mils larger than finished hole sizes 5 place through hole components on 50 mil grid 6 no silk screen legend text over vias (if vias not solder masked) or holes 7 so


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