Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 12:32:14 EST 2007 | Eric D
one of my customer areworried about the flux risidue in the blind vias, or if the plug the vias and there is air trapped the plug will blow during our process. Appreciate for your response
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 15 13:49:10 EST 2007 | russ
only plug one side, you can definitely blow out during reflow process with a sealed via/ it is impossible for flux to be trapped in a blind via. Russ
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 19 22:56:20 EST 2007 | davef
Russ We agree with your comments on plugging from one side only. But... We believe that it IS possible to trap process chemicals [technically, not flux] in a blind [or any other] via. This can be done by plating the via closed, rather than pluggi
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 14:52:22 EDT 2004 | Carol
During processing, the solder in the vias reflows and forms solder balls. PCBs have solder in random PBGA vias from the board manufacturer.The manufacturer says this is a result of the HASL process and is unavoidable. We use HASL finish, multilayer,
Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 19:47:16 EDT 2004 | davef
use something other than HASL. "The rest of the world seems to be processing with no problems..." [Hello!!! Earth to Carol. This is a test.] Things you are considering could be more trouble than they�re worth. "1) Reduce via hole size" [If you re
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 14:16:11 EDT 2004 | C.W
For VIA In PAD design, what's the difference between a thru vias and a blind via? thanks' chester
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 14:21:36 EDT 2004 | C.W
what's the difference between a thru vias and a blind via?
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 11:49:02 EDT 2004 | jbabson1
Blind vias are just that. They do not show on the surface sides of the pwb.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 30 16:41:14 EDT 2004 | Dave
Consider a 6 layer board. The Through via gets drilled from top layer to bottom layer. All 6 layers has the hole drilled in it. A blind via is a via that does not got through the entire 6 layers. It would go from layer 1 to layer 2. or layer 6 to lay
Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 31 17:27:50 EDT 2004 | C.W
thanks! So, why via in pad design is implemented? what's the advantages of it?