Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 17:10:43 EDT 2005 | peter ng
Dear all, I need some information about the Juki 750,760,2010&2020 1)actual vaccum level (with&without nozzle)-after measure 2)blow level(without nozzle)-after measure 3)Is the unit for Juki blow & vaccum level in KPA or mmHg? Thanks!
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 24 07:56:40 EDT 2009 | thanhnguyen
hello all I have a Assembleon Topaz. at head # 2 everytime it going down to pick up the part, it just blowing the part off from feeder, i did replace vacuum vale but still doing the same. any input is helpful. thanks
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 28 09:29:48 EDT 2009 | christian01976
Hello! Did you test the blow off function manually with the input/output monitor? Mayba there is the wrong plug at the valve...
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 07:02:50 EDT 2009 | thanhnguyen
yes i did test it manually, and it working fine.At the plug in, that the only way to plug it. With my ohm meter,24 volt present when you turn it on. The wierd thing is it blowing during head going down,then will sucking up when it move up.Vacuum valv
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 15 00:14:27 EDT 2005 | fdr4prez
Contact your local Juki Service Office, they should be able to supply these answers. Or post your data and other users can compare them with their equipment. The units of measure can be in either kPA or mmHg. This is dependent on the units of meas
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 29 08:38:26 EDT 2009 | duchoang
I am not sure about Topaz, but with Topaz XII, that problem could be the filter clogged, too dirty or installed improperly.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 31 17:09:55 EDT 2009 | isd_jwendell
Don't know about Topaz, but on Essemtec machine using SMC ejector, there are separate solenoid valves for vacuum and release. The connectors are identical and side by side. If these connectors were swapped then I would have the symptoms you describe.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 17:45:02 EDT 2000 | Ashok Dhawan
I am looking for an appropriate method to dry wave soldered boards. While board assemblies are passed through board cleaning station , they are not fully dry . We do not want to heat above 180 deg F to dry them completely. We think that air drying u
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 20:23:19 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Ashok: You're still goin' down that ol' ESD road aren't ya bud? Why do you need the boards to be dry? Conformal coating? Hey wait a minute, are you one of those no-clean people? Er zis related to the Kapton tape res fandango? Anywho, be careful
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 21:04:10 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Ashok: You still didn�t tell me why you want additional drying of your boards, but what the hey, we all have our dark secrets. Anywho, let�s consider some options for reducing the moisture of your cleaned boards: OPTION 1 - Up-Grading Your Cleaner