Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 14:09:01 EST 2015 | davidgjessup
I am in need of a service manual for a Vitronics smr 500 reflow oven . If anyone has one that I COULD PURCHASE PLEASE SEND ME AN E-MAIL TO DAVIDGJESSUP@AOL.COM OR TEXT TO 317-358-7406
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 14 11:57:21 EDT 2005 | ??
Are any of you guys out there using the vitronics xpm oven's having problems with the muffin fans dying on the top of the oven. Seems to me that they are using an inferior muffin fan that is not rated for the environment they are in. The fans have sl
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 15 00:20:17 EST 2006 | hemu_me
As we have vitronics oven(SMR610A) made in december 1997,which has 5 heating And 2 cooling zones. we just want to confirm that is there any possibility of damage oven parts with long run for soldering of lead free components in this model? if anyone
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 11 12:17:05 EDT 2018 | randywoods
I need to perform maintenance. On reflow oven. I do not remeber procedure for opening. Hood for reflow oven. Vitronis Soltec XPM2.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 08 09:11:30 EDT 2014 | jdenuzzia
We resolved this issue a few weeks ago. It was a configuration mismatch in the oven (MR933+)software with the onboard O2 analyzer.
Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 11 20:23:19 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Ashok: You're still goin' down that ol' ESD road aren't ya bud? Why do you need the boards to be dry? Conformal coating? Hey wait a minute, are you one of those no-clean people? Er zis related to the Kapton tape res fandango? Anywho, be careful
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 12 21:04:10 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Ashok: You still didn�t tell me why you want additional drying of your boards, but what the hey, we all have our dark secrets. Anywho, let�s consider some options for reducing the moisture of your cleaned boards: OPTION 1 - Up-Grading Your Cleaner
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 27 09:42:12 EDT 2000 | Daniel Carlsson
I wonder if anyone have experience from using a fairly new reflow oven and would like to share your toughts (advantages or disadvantages) with me. I�m especially interested in: Conceptronic, Electrovert, ERSA, Heller, Quad, Rehm, Seho, SMT or Vitroni
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 19 11:58:07 EST 2009 | slthomas
Like has been said, I would expect N2 to provide for shinier joints. On the other issue, which is it...O2 or compressed air? I would expect air to do nothing, and O2 might actually make your joints oxidize faster (duller appearance)...or blow up yo
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 10:33:08 EDT 2015 | Asif
Hello Professionals, Good morning, We are circuit card manufacturer for the Aerospace industry with low volume and High mix level. We have a plan to Purchase a NEW REFLOW OVEN. Currently we are using Electrovert BRAVO reflow oven which is about 8 yea