Electronics Forum: blowhole capacitor lot (Page 1 of 11)

Electrolytic capacitor

Electronics Forum | Mon May 05 13:40:28 EDT 2014 | rway

The vent is there for reasons as the name implies. It's a safety feature to prevent the cap from exploding if over-tasked. Yes, without the relief on the end, the caps have a potential to become missiles when they go. I had one go off when my hand

Need help identifiying capacitor

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 07 15:42:36 EDT 2014 | horchak

It is a AVX TAR series. Commonly called a bullet cap and is now most likely obsolete. AVX 9915 is a date code or lot number. 15uM is the value, probably 15 micro farad but not sure.

SMT electrolytic capacitor lead classification is???

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 14 02:18:04 EST 2008 | act_smt

What is the spec or true classification for the leads for an Electrolytic capacitor? Is it a : 1)Flattened coined lead??? or 2)Flat Lug Lead??? There is some confusion as to how we should be inspecting & accepting the toe overhang on these per IP

Tantalum capacitor mis-alignment & throwoff issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 20 09:50:44 EST 2018 | stephendo

Once a long time ago I had a board where the cap beside a tantalum shifted in the oven. I phoned our HQ plant and was told that they had the same issue and that it was the tantalum capacitor outgassing. We just applied a dot of glue to the cap. Try b

Chip capacitor size - Fuji CP6

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 21 04:20:49 EDT 2006 | Rob

Hi Mika, I used to work for the largest chip cap manufacturer in the world, and by far the largest problem we would see was cracking due to incorrect z height adjustment on Chipshooters. It can also cause solderballs and bad joints by displacing th

Chip capacitor size - Fuji CP6

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 19 21:06:09 EDT 2006 | mika

Hi all, At our Fuji CP-6 machines we place a lot of 0402:s, 0603:s and 0805:s chip capacitors. Our problem is that the height of the components can sometime be very extreme from different vendors. I am sure you all have experience of this phenomenon

Rigid Flex Wave Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 04 14:29:16 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Anyone have experience wave soldering rigid flex assemblies? I've just picked up a new job from a customer; it's a rebuild for the company, but new to me. The customer had previously taken their business elsewhere due to delamination problems with

Blowholes during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 11 15:08:11 EDT 2007 | shrek

KRIKIES! If that wasn't a sales pitch, I don't know whut was, me lad. Optimizer is good for DoE's and process characterization, but no substitute for the artform that is wave soldering. When me lads here in Purchasing get PCB's from all over the w

blowholes in SMT process

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 21 09:09:40 EDT 2009 | davef

Your puzzlement about blowholes in PTH solder connections during reflow soldering comes from: * Boards are hydroscopic. So, moisture content of the board is uniform. * Gold plating is uniform. * Nickle plating is uniform. * Copper plating on your PTH

RoHS Issues

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 08:50:38 EDT 2007 | rgduval

Welcome to RoHS. Or, at least, to the version of RoHS that I've had to deal with since I started with my current company. Blowholes and pinholes seem to be common in PB-free manufacturing. At least, they have for me here. I also note that IPC has

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