Electronics Forum: blowholes thru hole (Page 1 of 62)

thru hole

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 16 19:45:47 EST 2003 | Hiram

Hi, I am looking for the IPC criteria hole-to-lead ratio. Does anybody know a practical way to determine if some holes in my pcb's do not get enough solder in the wave solder machine because an inapropiate hole-to-lead ratio? Thanks in advance! Hi

thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 10:10:35 EST 2003 | Hiram

Thanks Dave, your comments were very helpful! Hiram

thru hole

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 17 09:53:26 EST 2003 | davef

IPC-2222 - Sectional Design Standard For Printed Board For Organic Printed Boards, Table 9-3 � Plated Through Hole Diameter To Lead Diameter Relationships will give you the standard information you require. If we can�t get proper hole fill after try

blowholes in SMT process

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 21 09:09:40 EDT 2009 | davef

Your puzzlement about blowholes in PTH solder connections during reflow soldering comes from: * Boards are hydroscopic. So, moisture content of the board is uniform. * Gold plating is uniform. * Nickle plating is uniform. * Copper plating on your PTH

smt reliability vs thru hole

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 15 21:52:15 EST 2000 | Dave Bartlett

I am looking for information comparing the reliability of smt boards vs thru hole boards. Also, information on when to use thru hole instead of smt if there is such a case. Background - We currently make temperature controller with a mix or smt and

Rework of thru hole components

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 24 07:48:52 EST 2005 | ams_gen

Hello, I need to rework a thru hole DIP mounted on a metal backed FR4. It is difficult to remove the FR4 board from the metal back since it is riveted. Is there a simpler way to takle this? Thnx

Rework of thru hole components

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 27 10:57:20 EST 2005 | DannyJ

I'm not sure if I understand the question correctly... Mainly, drill the mushroomed end of the rivet with a drill bit that is slightly larger than the shaft size of the rivet and remove the cover. Then, you should have easy access to what you need t

Books on thru hole solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 17:12:30 EST 2002 | sueph

I am interested in the book "Soldering in Electronics Assembly" by Keith Brindley and Mike Judd. Has anyone read it or can anyone recommend itor one that is good. thanks

Books on thru hole solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 17:25:39 EST 2002 | JoAnn

This book, as well as many others on soldering, is available from the SMTA. It can be purchased on-line at http://www.smta.org. Click on Bookstore. Jesse in our office (952-920-7682) can also answer specific questions you may have.

Books on thru hole solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 27 22:24:28 EST 2002 | davef

I own and have read this book. While it is better than the average soldering book, it is not the first book that I reach for in trying to sort through a problem. It introduces a broad range of soldering methods with a reasonable amount of detail, b

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