Electronics Forum: board and level and test (Page 1 of 16)

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 23 06:16:13 EST 2007 | Ayelet

Hi, I am lookinh for standards that define the cleanliness level of the assembly room and also for the test and packaging room. I understand that tehre are some defintions of tempertaure and humidity that shoudl be met. Are there any specs for part

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 02 11:24:13 EST 2007 | vze3nk2r

is there a level above 100,000 that does not require the use of booties for general assembly work?

Manufacturing and test room cleanliness

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 05 10:12:32 EST 2007 | slthomas

The use of booties isn't required per se, just considered a standard step necessary to reach the 10,000 target. You also need to vacuum (central vac system, NOT exhausting into the room) daily, mop weekly, have a one piece floor, blah, blah, blah....

PCBA board and probe

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 17 20:11:29 EST 2021 | dwl

is there flux on the board? are you probing a test point or a soldered pad? is the probe hitting the right spot?

PCBA board and probe

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 13 03:10:36 EST 2021 | pti88

why poor contact between PCBA board and probe? When I used ICT to test PCBA board, there was poor contact between board and probe .

Lead Free board laminates and surface finishes

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 13 15:34:55 EDT 2005 | Amol

Hi, We are in the process of transitioning to LF production. What are some of board materials being successfully used in production? Also, what surface finishes show promice of good results with SAC 305 solder? We are currently testing multiple boar

Leaded and Lead Free BGA's on hte same board

Electronics Forum | Thu May 01 15:11:37 EDT 2008 | dphilbrick

CK So as I see it batch B represents a leaded process with leaded components and D is a leaded process with lead free components. Batch Components Paste B SnPb Sn62 D Lead-free Sn62 If so it is BETTER to run a lead free BGA with Sn

Leaded and Lead Free BGA's on hte same board

Electronics Forum | Thu May 01 15:42:53 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip

Yes, the authors do give the caveat that small amount of lead contamination in a SAC/Lead-Free system is tolerated provided the Pb-BGA has sufficiently reflowed. This verbiage is on the bottom of Figure 10. For my own peace-of-mind, I would send yo

AOI, Quality and SPC

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 04 16:50:56 EST 2003 | msivigny

Hello Rohan, this is starting to date nearly 6 years ago but I will remember everything I can, we used a custom interface to input data and everything was stored in a very large database on a specific server only for quality data, I think we used Ora

assembly cleanliness and ionic testing

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 14 08:21:13 EST 2009 | davef

We believe that it's perfectly resonable for you to define the cleanliness that you require. We recommend that you leave it at that and not define the process or materials that your supplier use in meeting that cleanliness level. Start with a dirty

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