Electronics Forum: board error correction for dip inserter (Page 1 of 2)

Standoff heights for glue syringes

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 04 11:10:22 EDT 1998 | Chrys

| Hi Stoney, | Justin is giving you some good advice, unfortunately these kinda' problems sometimes call for the ol' D.O.E...otherwise, you could be chasing your tail for a while until you figure out exactly what's causing your problems. | Has

Dedicated or adjustable fixtures for Universal Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 28 23:53:31 EDT 2007 | crashoveride

dedicated fixture works best if the board is very much populated. But if the parts to be inserted are less than 300components, adjustable fixtures may be used. But the secret of good insertion is a precisely measured tooling pin to prevent the boards

a hot tip for bad boards

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 11 10:17:17 EDT 2013 | ericrr

Some times the PCB manufacture sends PCB panels with bad circuits, there are three ways to make these PCB without placing parts on the bad circuit, Well two in fact plus my method. (1) Placing a light mark on a dark background (or reverse) then the

Dedicated or adjustable fixtures for Universal Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 31 16:30:27 EDT 2007 | gmoritz

> > you may wish to do program off-sets per rotation ... I responded: > > You went over my head with that one. ... Steve Thomas helpfully added: > ... can reach that screen with SH SET command, Since I have not yet located a programming manual

Looking for help with Fuji IP-1 start-up problem

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 20 23:48:55 EST 2007 | bvdb

Hi Al, Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I should have said that the cable has been checked and another cable tested with the same results. In addition to the three wires that carry the transmit data, the receive data and the data signal ground, the

Press fit PEM insertion haloing

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 12 09:44:00 EST 2015 | rgduval

Oh yeah, I've seen this before! Generally, if the hole sizes are correct (including plating), and the PEMs are within spec, we've found that this is most commonly caused by insufficient support of the PCB during insertion. If you can eliminate supp

Set Command Variables

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 11 08:44:26 EST 2005 | pemnut

We use these machines to insert swedge pins. When I first started here, there were certian programs that we ran that required us to put in a machine offset of +.120 in the X which is a lot. after learning the machines better, I realized that whoever

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 11:58:48 EDT 2007 | gmoritz

Do you have BEC (Board Error Correction) > on that machine, and if so, did they > give you the alignment plate for it? I don't know if we have BEC on the machine. I can't even search the 550 page manual that was finally sent to us in a pdf file

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 06 10:03:01 EDT 2007 | slthomas

I agree with jdengler on the rotary table being skewed. You need a couple of dowel pins (1 1/2" long x 1/4" dia., I think) to align that disk. Each idler is held on an eccentric cam and can be adjusted to square up the rotary table by dropping the do

Universal Instruments Radial Inserter

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 22:33:24 EDT 2007 | simsj

We've had some experience with Universal's machines as well. Aside from the mechanical problems you're experiencing, that level of control hardware is susceptible to power spikes/fluctuations. Save yourself some trouble later on and get a good UPS.

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