Electronics Forum | Thu May 03 18:40:34 EDT 2001 | pzohbon
We produce a board right now with a QFP that has 20 mil pitch and we are seeing problems with the solder deposition. I believe it to be a cleaning issue which we are addressing. Soon we will be pasting for bga's. Is there a problem with using inter
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 13:34:18 EST 2011 | rodrigo
Hi all, I just finished programming a board in this AOI machine and I'm getting the same IC rejected in every board with this error: Inspection window out of frame range. I don't know how to fix this because the frames get generated automatically
Electronics Forum | Tue May 22 12:47:52 EDT 2007 | cyber_wolf
Is there anyone out there using this ? It looks like they only sell it for the 643 machines. Can it be adapted for 642 machines as well ? We have 2 major problems: 1. Operator makes width change adjust without removing supports from previous job. Ta
Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 01 15:12:16 EDT 2010 | siddharth
Thanks to all for their inputs. @Hexielectronics, I am now trying to assemble the board by attaching it to a frame and removing the frame while waving it. I plan to put the boards back on the frame after the board cools down. Could you explain more
Electronics Forum | Sun Jul 19 06:11:32 EDT 2009 | dekhead
For 29x29; 622mm from rear (outer) edge of frame to front edge of board.
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 25 11:58:34 EDT 2011 | patrickbruneel
Chris, Since it’s always the same clip it must be that the clip is in an area where the solder wave can’t fully reach. Since you are using frames is it possible that the problem clip is the closest to board edge and gets shadowed by the frame? A p
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 29 16:58:00 EDT 2004 | pjc
You should be able to get a one-print Mylar frame for the SMTech 90 machine from SigmaPrint, http://www.sigmaprint.co.uk Yes, with vision you store images of two features such as solder lands or fidicial marks from opposite corners of the board. With
Electronics Forum | Wed May 10 12:22:45 EDT 2006 | reg
Hi everyone, I am trying to evaluate the cost of buying new equipment. One of the concerns is blade holders, stencil frames and board vacuum tooling. How difficult is to change from Dek to MPM or viceversa without changing all our tooling.
Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 18 16:46:06 EST 2007 | wayne123
In addition to what frank said, I have also just placed the board on the work bench, but instead of trying to hold the board and stencil in place I would make a frame for the board using double sided tape, and after aligning I would tape the far edge
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 25 13:00:41 EDT 1998 | Bill D.
I have a 2-up panel measuring about 8" x 8" with a score for depanel throuch the middle. I see warping after reflow of the panel (bending in/about score line). The board is not framed (i.e., supported) during SMT reflow other than on the conveyor thr