Electronics Forum: board pops up entering machine (Page 1 of 7)

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 14:03:55 EDT 2002 | Randy V

There are allot of issue to washing that need to be considered before you purchase a washer. But to answer your question regarding ultrasonic cleaning: 1. Ultrasonics with the correct frequency will not damage most components. Washing in general can

Philips / Assembleon / Yamaha Topaz Xii start up issue - handshake error

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 17 10:46:16 EDT 2014 | bestglobalsmt

When the machine loads up it gets to the 2nd to last step where it starts to load vacuum data - we get 4 pop up windows once that fails. Ea2510 Machine Start error - Machine cannot be started Es00212 APPL CPU Haandshake error Ea2504 I/O Data trans

Koh Young Fiducial error multi-up panels

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 11 07:15:16 EDT 2019 | SMTA-John

From what I understand, in the PCB Info window that first pops up when you open CEditor, the number of fids is multiplied by the number of arrays. So if you have a 4-up panel and you enter No. of Arrays = 4 and No. of fids = 2, the machine will look

Re: Misalignment Issue (CAD Vs. Machine Variables

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 12 10:41:41 EST 2000 | JAX

Does the alignment issue only pop up on certain parts or everything on the board? Do you set your origin on the corner of the board or on a fiducial? Do you always have to move the parts the same amount of distance?

AOI Mirtec make program

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 09:46:40 EDT 2016 | jbuckley

Put anything over one of the fiducials being used in the circuit, and run the board. It will stop, and on the top right a window will pop up. Click "Skip Current Module" and it will X-out that circuit. If you are using the fiducials on the rail, rath

Zevatech or Juki 720 Pick and Place

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 16:16:32 EDT 2010 | briansmi1116

I have a Zevatech 720 that was working great until one day a "E9001 the emergency stop button has been pressed..." error popped up when I turned the machine on. We traced out the circuit and found out what board it went to. I found a replacement an

Pre heat temperature in Solder wave

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 16 15:43:50 EST 2003 | patrickbruneel

Kev, I looked up records of various hollis machines with 3 preheat zones. and with progressive preheat temp. of 300 400 and 500 with a speed of 3.5ft/min the topside board temp was 120C before entering the wave. the preheat elements were infrared. W

mpm up2000 backdoor?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 22 03:27:08 EDT 2006 | dman97

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone knew of a backdoor setting in these machines that will allow you to change the machine configuration. At my company, we have one operator who decided it would be nice to lock everyone out of the user menus. He

SMT placement machines. Where are we going ?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 03 16:26:37 EDT 2009 | wisch123

The most innovative new technology today is ccoming out of Fuji. They don't really advertise, so if you haven't gone to a show lately you might not have seen it. The machine is call the XPF-W and it sets the new standard for quality, accuracy, reliab

Pilarhouse Jade error

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 18 10:46:31 EST 2011 | tombstonesmt

I recently wrote a program on one of our Pilarhouse Jade machines and receiving an error. The machine has the feature of "Wave Height" that I don't have enabled for a 2.5mm extended tip nozzle. This is the only program that I haven't used this featur

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