Electronics Forum: board stop position error (Page 1 of 21)

cp45fv-neo Emergency stop

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 07:06:20 EDT 2020 | bukas

did you try to unslot all computer boards (both PC and machine)and put them back? sometimes they loose contact and make wacky errors...

Contact 3AV-100. PCL-240AK position Error. Machine not hommed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 15:22:07 EST 2011 | dougt

The PLC240-AK is an IC on the stepper board used to control all the stepper driven axis. I don't remember which axis are driven by stepper motors, possibly the table (x axis). Which axis acts wierd or doesn't move when you home the machine?

error 117:Overflow on CSM84

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 01 18:08:03 EST 2007 | jmelson

Hello, I just ran into a crazy problem with my CSM84. I did a batch of one side of a board, then loaded the program to do the top side, and it stops with the head over the 3rd component's feeder, and reports error 117:overflow. The maintenance manua

MPM AP25Hie Pre Board Stop error

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 04 08:09:03 EDT 2007 | rich7799

I found the problem... the vx cable trunking was the wrong radius, so when the axis was moving at slower speeds to read pre stop position, the axis was not reading the platen correctly due to extra downward force.. Ive now replaced the trunking and

MPM AP25Hie Pre Board Stop error

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 30 17:32:34 EDT 2007 | chrisgriffin

When you teach the "teach boardstop Y" make sure the camera is seeing the leading edge of the board and not too close to the rails. It should calculate the pre-stop position correctly. I assume you have thoroughly checked the sensor. Also check th

MPM AP25Hie Pre Board Stop error

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 27 09:28:35 EDT 2007 | rich7799

I have Mpm ap25hie, s/w ver 7.1a The problem I have is that the machine works fine until I teach or use the pre board stop function. As soon as I use this the machine will not load the pcb to the centre of the work nest. I can manually change boardst

Mv2c counter overflow error

Electronics Forum | Thu May 21 23:18:22 EDT 2020 | gabriel1blue

After the closing down for a few weeks we encountered a problem with our old pick and place machine. It reset to Japanese but we were able to change it back to English. Not when we start the machine and try to get it back to origin we get a counter o

Quad IV-c feeder error

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 03 07:39:27 EST 2019 | dfl

POCKET POSITION PROGRAMMING This procedure ensures the components are properly centered at the tape feeder pickup point (over spring stabilizer). NOTE: The feeder can be reset at any time by removing it from the feeder base and reinserting it. This

Samsung QSA error

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 18:40:44 EDT 2017 | simons

We have a Samsung that we have replaced all the amps and are still getting the Z axis motor alarm failure. On the “Position Window” before and after we try to “Home” the machine, the values for “Z-Axis” for all three heads prior to the “Home” action

Meridian 1010 error code

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 20 18:36:42 EDT 2005 | jsloot

Does anyone have any experience with a QUAD Meridian 1010? Our company has purchased a used machine. We have it installed and running almost smoothly. Getting an error code 3487, description is "Z axis target position in motion board is strange" Anyo

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