Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 14 02:24:20 EDT 2006 | AR
When we had problems on our Omni 5 with fluctuating chain speed, the problem turned out to be the Dart speed control board. After replacing the board the problem went away.
Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 02 14:42:20 EST 2004 | fritschusa
Do you bake the boards after 30 minute submersion? Parts and boards are netoriously hydroscopic. What do you do to combat organcis in solution? How do you know your boards are "clean"? Clean is differnet things to different people. Just currious
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 06 16:07:50 EDT 2000 | Carol Zhang
Rick, Do you check both side of the board after wave? Can you check the orientation of components, missing of components and also the solder joint defects? We are also very interested in this type of machine. Thanks for the information. Carol
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 16 09:33:12 EDT 1998 | Philippe
Is there anybody to help me ? We have small balls appearing on the boards soldered by wave soldering machine and it looks that use of nitrogen is linked to the problem (because without nitrogen, we have no more problems). That remind you something ?
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 15:46:38 EDT 2001 | davef
Now that I've blabbered to the edge of coherency [chicks and too many Krispy Kreams make me do that], let me ask ask the salient question. What's an "AMT board"?
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 07 17:21:34 EDT 2001 | davef
You seem to have slipped and turned to the dark side with Kevin. Straighten-up Mr X-Applications type.
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 12:51:25 EDT 2001 | Carol Stirling
That's my Typo... couldn't figure out how to fix it. It should read SMT -boards with lots of SMT parts, including PBGA. I'll be more specific next time.... Thanks for the replies.. Carol
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 10 13:54:29 EDT 2001 | zbosskc@netscape.net
We currently use 120 psi top pressure and 110 psi bottom pressure using a Westek Triton DI wash and have had no cleanliness issues with any of our vendors and with surface analysis.
Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 31 03:51:14 EST 2001 | hany_khoga
Dear all: We had a severe curvature in our boards after wave soldering.Could a second pass in the wavesolder m/c reduce this curvature. If not then what do you recommend to solve this problem. Also how it can be avoided. Best Regards Hany
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 14 16:51:28 EDT 2002 | nuezmaster
Thanks for all the advise. I was able to recruit one person for a week to inspect boards after pick and place and was able to show a 65% efficiency increase for that line. Now I have a req. for 5 more people. Thanks, Nuez