Electronics Forum: bravo 8 (Page 1 of 1)

Looking for repair/service company for electrovert bravo 8 reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 20 16:41:12 EDT 2017 | kkrestchmer

We have a Speedline Electrovert Bravo 8 reflow oven. We have issues where we get a "thermal runaway HTSC trip" error and the oven shuts down. We normally can unplug and replug a connector into the Sensor/Relay Watlow AnaFaze TLM-8 module and it sta

Looking for repair/service company for electrovert bravo 8 reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 12:21:29 EDT 2017 | rgduval

I'm going to guess that you've tried Speedline with no success. They're awfully annoying about their older machines. Things to check: - Thermistor for the zone working properly? - Opto for the zone working correctly? - Heaters working correctly? -

Looking for repair/service company for electrovert bravo 8 reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Sat Jul 01 00:20:08 EDT 2017 | aemery

Kelly, it's been a long while since I repaired a BRAVO. The machine was a little unique as far as Electrovert ovens go. I am pretty sure that it is the only Speedline model that integrated a PLC. Loved the OMNI's, not so much with the Bravos. I a

Reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 26 10:33:08 EDT 2015 | Asif

Hello Professionals, Good morning, We are circuit card manufacturer for the Aerospace industry with low volume and High mix level. We have a plan to Purchase a NEW REFLOW OVEN. Currently we are using Electrovert BRAVO reflow oven which is about 8 yea

Oven Dilemma: New Batch Type Vs. 2nd Hand Conveyor

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 07 21:56:32 EDT 2009 | davef

electrovert bravo 4050 to find things like: Cookson Electronics News, ISSUE #6 � SUMMER 2002, High Temperature Bravo� 4050 Reflow Oven Available: ELECTROVERT� has introduced a new high temperature reflow soldering system designed for producing lead


bravo 8 searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

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