Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 03 07:37:44 EST 2009 | duso02
The quality of the brush is most important. We use artist brushes from Torrington Brush Works. Sable works best but are the most expensive. We use more camel hair. They work best for us as we "hand coat" hundreds of boards a week and go through many
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 18:50:05 EST 2009 | smt_guy
why brush? why not spray?
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 03 08:22:18 EST 2009 | jdumont
Thanks, no ESD concerns using a non conductive brush though?
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 04 12:24:35 EST 2008 | jdumont
We have the same Asymtek machine, same Humiseal product, same bubbling issue on touch ups. Ive found that very light pressure and a thinner mixture usually yields good results for us. Generally I dip the brush in the mixture and let it drip near wher
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 03 09:27:15 EST 2009 | duso02
Once you dip it in liquid, the make-up of the brush does not really matter as it is now coated. A dry brush is a different story.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 02 14:54:52 EST 2009 | jdumont
Hi all, just wondering what type of brushes you all are using to manually touch up/apply your conformal coatings? We use an solvent based acrylic and do minor touch ups as they are processed. Occasionally we will have a bristle or two come off the
Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 14 23:21:12 EST 2017 | jmelson
OK, I think you are right! The one brush I can get to looks fine, the other one is on the back, and there's no way to get to it without removing the motor. Even the front brush was VERY hard to get back in. But, there are rubber plugs that allow y
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 18 13:11:39 EDT 2005 | jsloot
We have our board house apply a peel coat mask that can be brushed off after wave or reflow. You need to brush off while it's still warm.
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 12:23:44 EDT 2009 | cyber_wolf
One thing a lot of people don't know is that the small X motor on MY machines have carbon brushes in them. If you do not replace the brushes before they wear out it trashes the motor.
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 26 13:29:36 EST 2015 | swiese242
Use the appropriate heat for that part. You can then use techspray flux remover with a brush. Spray the brush, and not the board, to reduce spreading the flux. Acetone or alcohol are less expensive and may work as well.