Electronics Forum: btu 98 or 1.5 (Page 1 of 1)

Repair a BTU VIP70 or buy a new HELLER??

Electronics Forum | Sun Nov 05 00:44:30 EST 2006 | fastek

You likely will not get 10 years of service out of the Heller and it is certainly not as well built as the VIP-98. If those things do not matter to you and it's all about the money then you sound like the perfect Heller customer.

BTU oven info

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 24 13:48:33 EST 2006 | chris

Does any body know how to change the inner width limit on a P-98 BTU oven? The inner limit is 6 inches, but I need it to be about 1.5 inches. Do you have to have a factory service disk from BTU to gain access to the limit. If so, does anyone have


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