Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 16:16:01 EST 2005 | pjc
Here are some 5 zones models to look for: Electrovert OmniFlo5 Conceptronic HVA70 BTU VIP70 Vitronics SMR or XPM 520 Heller 1088 (4 zone)
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 05 18:31:22 EDT 2019 | ttheis
I would really suggest staying away from novastar on their ovens- we had a really bad experience with two of their ovens being unable to maintain temperature properly. We ended up buying a used BTU VIP70 and it has been working out great. A Heller 18
Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 02:58:04 EDT 2004 | johnwnz
Let's not be hasty about the BTU, the Pyramax consums even more N2 than the Paragon that it replaced by something like another 40%! and the Electrovert aint that much better although it's been a while since I looked at them.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 13 07:46:22 EDT 2005 | ajaydoshi
We have BTU oven150 paragon. Want to buy new cooling fan with mettal blade Part number is 5061761. Any supplier recommdation. Parts from BTU very expensive ajay
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 29 11:18:11 EDT 2021 | dontfeedphils
I've always had good experiences with BTU, without fail. I've also had fairly good experiences with Heller, although they do like to slowly die on you one part at a time (blowers, SSRs, etc).
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 27 06:43:59 EDT 2021 | sophyluo1985
Some thoughts of GOLDLAND: We recommend that you choose Vitronics or Heller brands. They are the most popular machines in the world. According to the long-term plan, your equipment needs maintenance and replacement parts in the future, so their parts
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 12:30:09 EDT 2003 | russ
I can guarantee that vibrating ovens will be detrimental in double sided reflow for any of the larger parts. I find it interesting about BTU and there "vibrating" oven. I had a couple of these in the early days and they did indeed vibrate. However
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 16:04:33 EDT 2024 | mistrthou
We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. I'm looking into either replacing both with used or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare parts). I priced a new delivered replacement from Vitronics
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 17 04:15:23 EDT 2003 | C Miller
The magnetic thing from the sot23 thread made me think of somthing from the past. Does anyone have any experience with vibrating boards during reflow? I know for a fact that if you vibrate a board during reflow it will alow the parts to "float" and
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 16 07:55:46 EDT 2024 | ginny
> We're currently running a pair of XPM 820 > Vitronics reflow ovens with a year 2000 vintage. > I'm looking into either replacing both with used > or one at a time new (and using the 2nd for spare > parts). I priced a new delivere