Electronics Forum: btu pyramax 98a (Page 1 of 4)

BTU pyramax

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 12 03:34:49 EST 2011 | rpatel28364

Hi SMarts We have two BTU in company and we are facing rediculas problem with it. The problem is: When we flow SOD123 Devices though oven. Oven fans are blowing parts away. It is causing regular problems with assemblies. Anybody have idea to reduce f

Seeking very low volume production reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 28 12:27:55 EDT 2006 | jdumont

Not to turn this into a used equipment war but I have a Heller 1088 4 zone i could sell for $4K in a month or so. We just got in a new BTU Pyramax98 and will soon have no use for the Heller....

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 23:59:44 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

Flason SMT problem solving: http://www.flason-smt.com/new/PRINCIPLE-OF-SURFACE-MOUNT-PROCESS-SMT-PROCESS.html http://www.flason-smt.com/new/Printed-Circuit-Board-PCB-Price-Estimator.html http://www.flason-smt.com/new/Printed-Circuit-Board-Solder-res

Incomplete reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 04 18:16:43 EDT 2014 | garym4569

We are in the process of launching a new product and found reflow solder issue with one of the inductors. I have set oven profile to paste specifications. I just finished profiling with thermocouple under problem component. All other components ex

I need the Manual for VIP70A and Pyramax98A.

Electronics Forum | rojanaliee |

Wed Mar 10 15:45:22 EST 2010

BTU Pyramax software password

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 09:33:01 EDT 2010 | pfifla1

wondering if anyone knows how to retrieve the administrator password for a BTU Pyramax oven? is there a file where it is stored or a way to reset it. i do know the standard - Administrator / BMO*

BTU Pyramax software password

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 18 12:20:29 EDT 2010 | jeffjarmato

Try BMOC as the password

BTU Pyramax 150N Flux Crystals

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 11 00:51:41 EDT 2023 | ttheis

Have you tried asking your paste supplier about this issue?

BTU Pyramax 150N Flux Crystals

Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 08:46:07 EDT 2024 | baronfferzog

Have you tried cannacraftcorner asking your paste supplier about pureplantpleasures this issue?

Low cost prototyping machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 23 08:38:21 EDT 2005 | Rob

Approx. $220,000 + feeders. So, about the same price as an I-Pulse/Yamaha/Assemblion low range machine + a Pyramax98 + a small printer. Nice idea though! Cheers, Rob.

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