Electronics Forum: btu pyramax 98a (2004) (Page 1 of 1)

Replacement for nitrogen in the reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Wed May 26 02:58:04 EDT 2004 | johnwnz

Let's not be hasty about the BTU, the Pyramax consums even more N2 than the Paragon that it replaced by something like another 40%! and the Electrovert aint that much better although it's been a while since I looked at them.

8 Zone Vs 7 Zone Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 10 12:09:04 EST 2004 | rlackey

Contax are not always the most responsive of companies in the UK. Besides, you get a lot more for your money with BTU Pyramax's or Vitronics Soltec and very good service.

Wave soldering equipment??

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 10 11:22:50 EST 2004 | rlackey

Hi, We paid �60K for a 6622C from Vitronics Soltec, no idea about US costs since the dollar went down the swanny. Great machine though. Not all lead free ovens come with Nitrogen capability - it depends whether you specify it or not, and it can ad

Flason SMT Products

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 23:59:44 EDT 2018 | gaintstar

Flason SMT problem solving: http://www.flason-smt.com/new/PRINCIPLE-OF-SURFACE-MOUNT-PROCESS-SMT-PROCESS.html http://www.flason-smt.com/new/Printed-Circuit-Board-PCB-Price-Estimator.html http://www.flason-smt.com/new/Printed-Circuit-Board-Solder-res


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