Electronics Forum: btu wincon (Page 1 of 1)

Looking for Wincon 1.05e disks for BTU oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 17:51:31 EDT 2016 | ttheis

I contacted btu but they told me they only have wincon version 2.0 and newer.

Looking for Wincon 1.05e disks for BTU oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 04 17:50:52 EDT 2016 | ttheis

We have a vip oven with corrupt installation apparently but still have the configuration files. Looking for 1.05e install disks if any one has a copy to fix it. Thanks

Light tower events

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 07 10:39:36 EDT 2005 | geb

I have a BTU International VIP98 reflow oven, running WINCON Version 2.00C on Windows 98. The light tower only lights green when the oven reaches temperature, and the other colours never light up. Do you know how to set the other colour lights to tu

BTU VIP70 help

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 02 16:36:05 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Problem was bad FCU board; replaced with FCU from another machine and swapped rom chips. Oven operates properly and communicates with PC. BTU was kind enough to supply the default usernames and passwords for wincon but they did not work. Still waiti

BTU Paragon oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 30 13:29:13 EDT 2004 | marcelll

We just received a new BTU Paragon oven here but it's not working because it's seam to have missing files. Is somebody here can send me a copy of the Wincon version 2.00F so I will be able to reload it. Thanks for your time

looking for Wincon 2.0

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 17:14:23 EDT 2024 | redspare1

I have an old BTU oven I'm trying to get working again and need to do a clean install of windows. Does anyone have this software so I can reinstall it?


Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 02 10:04:24 EDT 2008 | cyber_wolf

Good luck with that one. We just had a hard drive crash in one of our TRS ovens. We had to upgrade to wincon software which = 1500.00 and then we had to pay a 450.00 service fee so they would talk to us. BTW...the $450.00 service fee only gets you 1

BTU VIP70 help

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 28 17:50:17 EDT 2016 | ttheis

Found a broken wire in the data line and I thought that was it for sure but was not. Checked continuity of the data cable and it is ok now but still no comm. The embedded controller status window shows "send failures" but no "reply failures." Winco

BTU VIP70 help

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 10 22:41:41 EST 2016 | ttheis

Hi Ray, BTU was not too helpful with me because we bought the machine second (probably third or fourth) hand. I bought some FCU's from Ed at Assured Technical Services (assuredtech@yahoo.com) and a hard drive that had the Wincon software we needed.


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