Electronics Forum: bulk feeder (Page 1 of 7)

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 06 17:16:41 EST 2003 | gregp

I do not know about the cost issues but as I recall the tolerances are tighter on bulk components and this usually means higher cost. I cannot find my bulk feeding summit information but these links give you some idea what was discussed. I don't kn

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 10:03:47 EST 2003 | stefwitt

Greg, you pointed out yourself the many advantages of bulk feeding. I would like to mention that the higher component accuracy and the feeding track accuracy of the bulk feeder contribute to an improved pick failure rate of small ( 0402�s ) component

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 05 11:13:46 EST 2003 | gregp

Your points are all valid. This is probably a service that the component distributers should provide. The reason I am harping on this issue is because I beleive is is possible to add several hundred part numbers to your pick and place on line inven

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 04 12:50:36 EST 2003 | gregp

OK Jon, now let me speak hypothetically. We are in agreeance that bulk feeding can save money through increased machine up time. If this cost savings alone could pay for the bulk feeders (it is just a matter of time before it would) and the minimum

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 16:56:41 EST 2003 | jonfox

We are currently NOT using bulk, even though we looked into as a means of reducing machine time and component cost. Unfortunately, since bulk cassettes did NOT take the industry by storm as it was predicted years ago, we were stuck with long lead ti

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 20 12:59:29 EST 2003 | gregp

Claude, I know alot of equipment manufacturers that would like to talk to you about replacing all of your chipshooters! Of course, this will never happen. There probably won't be any sold until all of the used chipshooters are absorbed from the use

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 07 17:05:57 EST 2003 | gregp

Pick up correction (as far as position) is already available on newer model chipshooters. This doesn't address upside-down fed resistors. The link I provided for Murata tells a story of increased reliability and reduced cost. As components get sma

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 13 12:57:43 EST 2003 | Claude_Couture

So, to really get reliable pickup rates from new bulk feeders, I just need to replace all the chip shooters we have with more recent ones with pickup correction capability. So where is the saving? ;-) -Upside down resistors? not an issue. so what if

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 03 18:33:23 EST 2003 | jonfox

We have some high runners (components) that are available in bulk and some that are not. It would only help part of the issue. Cost was only a marginal difference, and we were told by the supplier that it was because bulk just hasn't caught on like

bulk feeding chips

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 07 15:16:46 EST 2003 | Claude_Couture

Bulk parts cassettes... another idea that must have looked good at the time. Too bad the manufacturing trend went from low mix / high volume to high mix / low volume. I guess the feeders have to be too complex to feed the part properly to the machine

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