Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 22 10:33:17 EDT 1999 | Boca
| which is the best way to catch defects online? | In circuit Tester or Vision System | Carlos, It depends on the defect you're trying to catch. Vision systems can be good at catching missing, reversed, wrong (if marked) parts. ICT is good with el
Electronics Forum | Fri May 10 01:30:11 EDT 2019 | vinitverma
You can buy directly from Assembleon (now K&S) at webshop.assembleon.com if you are a registered customer. If not, just register and wait a day for the login details. You can then buy online.
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 19 01:56:38 EST 2020 | davidwilliams
30 HP variable frequency drives are available online as well as at store. One can buy them online or from the store for their motor which will support 22kw or higher variable frequency drive properly. The compatibility of the motor and vfd depends on
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 07 07:08:23 EDT 2009 | daxman
During a service call, We had a FUJI guru tell us that Biral was actually not a great lubricant for LM rails or rust prevention because it thickens and gums up quite quickly, which is true. His recommendation was to use TFL-50 wet lube. We've been u
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 14:52:39 EDT 2010 | joeherz
I'm looking for a handheld barcode scanner that will handle high resolution 1D and 2D symbologies. Some of our 1D codes are down to 3.3mil lines and your average scanner can't reliably scan that resolution. I've used PSC and Wasp equipment before b
Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 17 19:57:57 EDT 2008 | arosario
Does anyone know where I can buy text book for SMT soldering process. If it will be available on-line it would be easier for me to order. Thanks... Bong
Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 14:19:23 EST 2010 | deltaservices
Hello Andrew, For programming a single Topaz or Emerald you need only the Cad2cad 1.5 (Freeware) With this program you can generate a VIOS.TXT file based on your position data. You import this in the machine and add your component and Fiducial d
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 30 11:56:54 EDT 2000 | Ioan
Paul, try this, it's an on-line available JEDEC standard. Maybe you will want to buy it, to have it handy. http://www.jedec.org/DOWNLOAD/pub95/default.cfm Best luck from a guy that feels like you. Unfortunately, the info is there, but nobody will
Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 25 08:10:49 EST 1998 | Cunli Jia @ SMTnet
George, Please visit the SMTnet First Chapter Bookstore via the link "Bookstore" in the left munue or below. Many books have a full chapter online for free preview to help you decide to buy or not. Please post to the Admin Corner or e-mail me dire
Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 07 14:44:35 EST 2007 | actech
I have ordered 3/16th and 1/4 from McMaster Carr in the past. you buy it bulk cut it at an angle and melt it together. I think its Mcmastercarr.com and look into belts or conveyor belting you should be able to find it online there.