Electronics Forum: c/3 (Page 1 of 7)

soldermask color change around vias

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 07 11:10:08 EDT 2019 | teejsd

We also have a Foresite C3 for spot testing for ionic contamination. I didn't use it at this spot, but used it some other spots around the PCB that showed this color change and with our C3 we were passing IPC standard for ionics. But I was wonderin

Cu dissolution PTH

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 26 02:16:18 EDT 2006 | AR

We had x-ray and optical microscopy analyses done on transformers dip soldered with Sn/Pb, SN100C3 and SN100C4 alloys using temperatures 400�C ... 450 �C, with dip times of 2..4 seconds. We found that SN100C4 is at least as good as Sn/Pb 62/38 and SN

PCBA storing requirement

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 13 11:00:33 EST 2013 | davef

I'm not aware of a standard for the storage conditions of assemble circuit boards. Here's what I'd do: * Protect them from damage * Store them vertically * Constant Temperature 22°C +/- 3°C * Humidity Control 45% To 65% R.H.

Maxim 3296C, 3286C

Electronics Forum | Sun May 12 21:45:10 EDT 2002 | ianchan

Hi Dave, we tried the net search. anything close to the part no. draws only the "reliability data sheets" with a small print ref to JSTD-020 standards. this implies a 215deg-C @3 cycles of Reflow Oven processing. however as this can be claimed as a

Re: Question on J-STD-001B

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 18 06:51:38 EST 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: I believe J-STD-033 was released in the past year. A-610B is much older than that maybe 5 years. A-610C, �3.4.1 references J-STD-033. Ta. Dave F

Re: Question on J-STD-001B

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 18 06:51:38 EST 2000 | Dave F

Ashok: I believe J-STD-033 was released in the past year. A-610B is much older than that maybe 5 years. A-610C, �3.4.1 references J-STD-033. Ta. Dave F

how clean is clean?

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 11:55:37 EDT 2005 | Sarag

There is also a new cleanliness tester that looks at localized areas to provide a cleanliness reading and can extract a sample to use in ion chromatography testing. You can find out about it here: http://www.residues.com/C3.html

Ionic Contamination Tester

Electronics Forum | Thu May 15 13:13:16 EDT 2008 | arminski

thanks a lot sir davef. which is better between the two, static or dynamic? localized testing (C3) or bulk testing (Omegameter/Zero Ion)? do I really have to purchase this unit despite having an aqueous cleaner? thanks again...

Printed Circuit Board Assembly SPOT cleaniness tester

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 04 11:36:32 EDT 2011 | garybro

Does anyone know of a SPOT cleaniness tester other than Foresite C3?

Printed Circuit Board Assembly SPOT cleaniness tester

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 04 14:36:12 EDT 2011 | blnorman

Not aware of anyone that builds anything like the C3 selective extraction system. I know there is a move to develope and IPC test method for this process, but it's not there yet.

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