Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 08 11:00:53 EST 2004 | davef
It's possible your supplier has not thought through the results of their conversion to lead-free throughly. We'd expect something like: Reflow Parameters||Pb Assy||Pb Free Peak Temp.||235�C �5�C||255�C �5�C Time Within 5�C Peak Temp.||20 to 40 sec.|
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 11:55:55 EST 2005 | Rob
Of course Greg, silly me, you could have been referring that other C5, the infamously crap Sinclair C5 electric car from the 80's!
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 15:00:40 EDT 2007 | gregp
The C5/C5d from Contact Systems can do more than 27" without loss of feeder capacity or throughput.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 10 14:32:11 EDT 2011 | remullis
I'm seeing if anyone has a C5 with the offline software package. I am having problems configuring a zebra barcode printer.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 05 11:12:16 EST 2004 | gregp
Barney, Please tell me who it is that told you this customer cannot get support. Certainly it is not the customer himself. We have been at this customer with top level engineers at the drop of a hat from day one. As for the C7 it is part of the new
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 05 07:53:43 EST 2004 | pjc
This company provides third party service for Contact Systems machines: http://www.magellanservice.com/
Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 15 18:48:10 EST 2005 | russ
Tell me more about the C5! I thought we were talking used Vettes here
Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 30 10:34:21 EDT 2005 | gregp
Contact Systems C5 series: 18" x 31" without loss of feeder capacity.
Electronics Forum | Sat May 06 21:46:56 EDT 2006 | cmiller
Grant, maybe you should ditch those Fuji machines and replace them with C5's!!!