Electronics Forum: c.r. (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Pick and place from bulk case

Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 13:30:45 EDT 2000 | JAX

Erhard, I am not sure what you mean. I believe bulk case placement only refers to C's & R's. Even then placing only 0603 and 0805. I assume you are talking about larger parts since you mention trays???

Quad 1000, looking for opinion

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 31 13:04:15 EST 2005 | bobpan

Dave, The quad 1000 was a samsung machine with quads name on it......the software sucks and it is totally different from central controller. If you go for a machine....go for a 2c r 4c if you still want to use the same feeders. Chip shooter means 080

Re: thanks

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 19 22:28:20 EST 2000 | Dave F

Taking things from a slightly different angle: Cost of assembling various packages based on volume: C/R placement: |$0.01 to 0.04 per part SOIC: | $0.03 PLCC based on lead count: | 20-39 $0.16 | 40-59 $0.18 | 60-79 $0.20 | 80-

SOT23 jumping off pads when reflowing

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 18 15:29:59 EDT 2003 | Gabriele

Hi all, by reading along those thread (SOT23) and Tan outgassing I learned plenty of things. My first time approacing this kind of Q$A Forum, very intesting tech communication way. Any way, the path of magnetism effect was chosen when time ago we met

Accelerated testing to Service life conversion

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 07 20:43:47 EDT 2001 | davef

First, we know that MIL types are wont to use charts like that. Give �em Weibull distribution tables and then they�ll be happy, happy. A good book is Nelson �Accelerated Testing: Statistical Models �� Wiley Second, we don�t use that very nice stu


Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 05 07:29:48 EDT 2002 | davef

Design for the Environment (DFE) / Electromagnetic Compliance (EMC) ------------------------------------------------------------------- "Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems" Henry W. Ott, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976 Seltzer, G.S.


Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 11 09:47:01 EST 2000 | Dave F

Abbas: Sources of information on DFM/DFT are: � "SMTnet Express" articles on DFM by Earl Moon � IPC-D-279, 'Design Guidelines for Reliable Surface Mount Technology Printed Board Assemblies' � Books in SMTnet and SMTA book stores � Other examples ar

aluminium wire bonding on Electroless Nickel + Immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 15:06:29 EDT 2001 | davef

This otta push Wolfgang over the top ... Recommended reading G.G. Harman, Wire Bonding in Microelectronics : Materials, Processes, Reliability, and Yield, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Series, 1997. G.G. Harman, R


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